I haven’t cracked a nut in years…

I’m doing my latest online poll on my telly habits and I get to tell them what I think about US TV. Eventually I get a 10 bucks Target voucher or summink. Here’s some highlights, starting with 60 minutes, dire US pseudonews:

Please indicate what you don’t like about 60 Minutes:

Its patronising presenters. Its dated look. Its holier than thou themes. And for the love of all things holy, the segment at the end, Curmudgeon’s Corner or whatever it’s called with Andy Rooney waxing geriatric on topics he knows nothing about. God I hate this program.

Please indicate what you don’t like about Extreme Makeover: Home Edition:

Can’t help feeling emotionally manipulated by it. Also throughout, there’s the nagging feeling that it’s just one big advertising-fest for companies providing the materials. And the presenter gets on my nerves no end. At the end of the episode I feel somehow tainted.


  1. Looks like you`re back to 100% then!
    What new things does Gamma offer on Flickr – I haven`t noticed the difference yet.

  2. Ed, 105%, but who's counting? Had a great weekend in the country side and it's done me the power of good… Flickr's gamma phase is pretty underwhelming, a better oranizr, slightly bigger photos, and that seems to be it. Oh and it says Flickr Gamma, rather than Beta, now. Still a great service though.

    Paul, cheers! And thanks for another quality podcast.

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