Anyone need a website?

Ingredients from Trader "Giotto's" and New Seasons...

Seriously, anyone need a poster, bespoke powerpoint presentation, a logo, translation…anything dammit… huge discounts for friends. Since the answer to that question seems to be no (at the moment), I’ll keep perfecting my house-husband skillz.

I noticed George has published a photo of the banner I made t’other day, in action at the SF blues festival: (I’ll just link to the picture cos the site’s not live yet I think)

Yesterday seemed as good a day as any to make some bread. Drsita was out earning a living, Atticus was uncommonly mopey (he’s not big on low pressure fronts). So I downloaded a recipe, printed it out, decided it was wrong and thought to myself, well I can make pizza dough, I reckon bread’s probably the same with more yeast. So I nipped to New Seasons round the corner and assembled the ingredients. Flour and yeast, and some ‘erbs from the garden. A bit of mixing, kneading, prodding and one minor burn later…

Behold: Basic Portland, Oregano Bread…

The sous chef looks on expectantly

Needs more salt, but it’s alright. The last time I cooked bread was probably in Kingston St Mary Primary School circa 1982. Now there’s someone whose site needs a makeover… even if it’s just replacing the MS Comic Sans with a real font…


  1. I think it’s overzealous image “optimisation for web” rather than focus problems. Also, be careful where you click. I ended up on a page that started sweetly enough but ended in an all-too-well-focussed shot of the back half of a sheep that’d just given birth. Lambs or no lambs, I didn’t need that. I’ve been out of the countryside too long i think…

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