
whale (15k image)
Sita and I took Atticus’s on his daily constitutional yesterday up by Davenport. I’d been there before a few months ago and took some pictures, anyroad, thought it’d be a nice place to show Sita. Also Tanya mentioned that her friend had seen dozens of whales in Santa Cruz last week and so I thought it’d be a good place to look for them. It was fairly overgrown but we pushed our way through the grass and got to the edge of the cliff and watched two whales who were chillin’ in the water. It was not easy to photo them, as evidenced above, but they were impressive and huge. Surfacing every few minutes and blowing water around. And we didn’t have to get on a boat or nowt. So that was grand. My first whales. My leg started itching after 10 minutes or so, and I removed an engorged tick from me. If blogging stops in a few days, that’ll be the Lyme’s disease. But that was nothing to poor little Atticus who had tons of the buggers in his fur. We spend 15 minutes picking them off him, took him to the dog park by way of a reward. Went home barbied steak and asparagus, got through fair amount of wine, downloaded some 80s choons in time for next Friday’s shindig, watched some Firefly episodes with Mya and Liz, removed more ticks and crashed at 1ish.
I still have some PDA photos from the week to upload, those’ll be the dental ones and a few of Thursday’s walk round Seacliff.