Batman’s come a long way

Saw Batman last night with Drsita, Liz and Josh and it did not disappoint on any level at all. I didn’t know what the running time was going to be so I kept expecting it to end, but instead it just kept getting better and better. Thoroughly recommended. Best superhero film since Batman Begins.

(image from Alberto Mont, found via Othaner’s blog)

On Saturday we tried to go to SF on the Alameda ferry, but it was running late and the ferry terminal is just next to Rosenblum’s free wine-tasting warehouse, so that proved a more enticing option. I blame drsita saying she didn’t reckon the ferry was coming. And when you say you don’t believe in ferries… Yesterday though I queued up in the morning and spent a couple of hours wandering round the north end of frisco (which nobody calls it) and though it looks like I’ve got dust on the camera’s sensor again there’s a few passable pix.

SF on a cloudy day

Full set here.

Today, webbery, & packing. A bientot.