Behold the drop-down menu thing

Spent far too long making this drop down menu thing and there’s still a few which don’t work yet… Eeh well. I reckon we don’t need the moon phases thing neither now winter’s over and California skies stay clear for the next 9 months.

Photo albums
Atticus, Feb’05
Atticus, Wilder
Atticus est arrive 2
San Fran ’04
Atticus, Dec ’04
Bristol ’04
Bunnies, March ’05
Bunnies, Dec ’04
Chile, July 03
Davenport + dog, Jan’05
Davenport + dog 2
Dan&Monica’s Boda Mar’04
D & M’s wedding 2
Ensenada, Mex, Mar’04
Santa Cruz Feb ’05)
Favourites 03-04
Felton BBQ @ Joop’s ’04
Ian & Yuri’s wedding
Judith & Carlos’ Boda
J & C’s Reception
London with Bert
Mango Mango, Ensenada
Massachusetts, Sept ’04)
Mexico, Jalisco, ’03
New Brighton Feb’05)
New House, Dec ’04
Nisene Park, Jan’04
Palm photos, Feb ’05
Hallowe’en Oct ’04
Pylons in LA, Mar ’05
Seabright Beach, Oct ’04
Sita’s 30th ’04
Somerset, Sept ’04
Stu’n’Anne, Feb ’04
SA Capitola + Mystery Spot
SA Big Sur
SA Cowell
SA Meg’n’Matt’n’Berkeley
SA Santa Cruz
SA Wilder
Tahoe (rafting), Jun ’04
Seabright + Buns, Dec ’04
SW England ’04
SC Coast, Feb ’04)
Xmas San Diego + Downey ’03