Blog’s on and off right now

Problems with the server apparently. It’s not called the 3-dollar plan for nothing…

The photoshoot didn’t happen today, apparently El Mural has strict union rules or summink. So I’m redesigning agaveweb again, with a spanking new flash interface as practice for some flash work coming my way soonish. Right now I’m off to lunch courtesy of Ana again. Just a quick post to warn you about the intermittant service…


  1. Arghh! What hurricane? I'll keep you posted… they usually hit the other side of the country or the coast. Hopefully it'll miss Guadalajara.

    And Tewbewks, my Japanese is pretty shaky but I managed to get the 'game' to make a nee-na noise and speech bubbles of big kids hitting small kids happen. Do I win a prize? Drown them all, I reckons…

  2. I stand corrected and ashamed. I'm hopeless at recognising these lenguas chinas… Nonetheless it's always grand to get traffic from well-travelled Arizonan Bassets. Cheers : )

  3. sorry about that. forgot to give directions.
    Only 2 persons on the raft at a time.

    The father can not stay on the shore with any of the daughters,
    without their mother’s presence.

    The mother can not stay on the shore with any of the sons, without their father’s presence.

    The thief (striped shirt) can not stay with any family member, if
    the Policeman is not there.

    Only the Father, the Mother and the Policeman know how to operate the raft.

    To start click on the big blue circle on the right. To move the
    people click on them. To move the raft click on the pole on the
    opposite side of the river.

  4. Sounds like a case for social services… In the unlikely event I get a chance to play it I'll let you know. Thanks for the non-sinophile explanation.

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