Bridge of the Gods

Connecting the states of Oregon and Washington. It’ll cost you a buck each way. This is a shot looking at Oregon from the driving seat. I don’t think it’s illegal to drive and wave a camera about, but it wouldn’t take long to get across the state line in the event of a high speed police chase…


  1. Was this taken from a moving car, or were you standing in the middle of the road, diving out of the way of oncoming traffic? 🙂

    Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Stunning, yet Unloved, and we’d love to have this added to the group!

  2. Gracias Dark Tom, te advierto que hacia un frio…

    I’m ashamed to admit, I was driving, Photocritic. It was a 15 mph zone though and the manual focus was already set to infinity. Love your group. Many thanks

  3. hehehe ay Gwyn, ya me imagino el circo que hiciste para tomar la foto jejej pero te quedo padre!

  4. Yeah!

    I did something like that… i was crossing the Golden Gate with the video camera on my right hand thru the sky window while i was driving. No cops around… good.

  5. Gracias, Ale! Atticus me ayudó…

    Creo que te ví en el programa “San Pancho’s Most Dangerous Drivers”, Carlos 😉
    Tu nuevo proyecto de fotografos La Membrana, se ve super interesante, eh, suerte ‘mano!

  6. ¡Ja, ja, ja! ¡Eh, pero si no iba borracho! ¡Ja, ja, ja!

    Oye, gracias por unirte a los seguidores. ¡Qué bien!

    Lo de la Membrana no es mío, pero son unos amigos y hay posibilidades de participar… veremos.

    Bueno, ya estaremos en contacto. Aquí ya hace un calor del demonio… qué ganas de estar en Portland… sentir la lluvia fina… fresco… Suerte la tuya.

    ¡Un abrazo!

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