Car Talk with Click and Paco

Our car in happier times...Today’s mission, should you choose to accept it, etc…. Lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles with it. Then with your right hand draw a figure 6 in the air. Like it or not, your foot will change direction.

Had an early start today getting the materials together to extend the visa a bit. They only gave us 30 days, not the usual 180 so we have to apply for more. Shouldn’t be a problem and I’m fairly used to forms after all last week’s fun and games. When we tried to start the car afterwards, though, it wouldn’t do anything at all. The lights worked, the radio worked, and we’d only been gone 30 mins. We got a push start from the peeps who’d just washed our car (maybe water got into the battery???) and we took it home. When I turned the engine off something (possibly the fan) kept going for 40 secs or so. Anyone any good with car problems? and while we’re at it, the water’s on the blink again. Occasionally the street’s water pressure is too low to get it to the tank in the roof, and the pump has never worked. We had a couple of water free days, this weekend I might replace the pump and see where that gets us.

I’ve been configuring zencart today to work in Spanish. I’m not linking to it cos it’s just for testing, but is where it’s at. Also on the geekery front, the google pagerank for this page just hit 4/10 which is where I was before switching blogs. This makes me happy… Thanks to all of you who’ve linked here/ blogrolled me, much obliged.


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