“Carry me” by the Levellers…

… So while Sally, Martin and Sita were taking longer than usual at mass I took the dog for spin and then got me guitar, tripod and camera out to violate the copyright of another Levellers classic. Despite public demand here it is:

Can any French speakers out there remind me if copine means girlfriend or friend who’s a girl. That’s been worrying me too… I was going for the latter, obviously, in my comment response in the last post. Back when I still spoke French I think the slang du jour was “julie”… Now there’s another good Levellers song…

10 comments on ““Carry me” by the Levellers…

  1. sounds good. and copine means friend. (confess i used my dictionary to make sure… but there you are, verification). hope to see you soon.

  2. Very true, Mark, I wouldn’t want to live in a world like that. I imagine the lawyer’s letter would come on nice wood block print stationery and be hand written though

  3. Atticus, kindly sign out of my account before leaving comments would you… I could have sworn you weren\\\’t keen when you made a run for it after I picked up the guitar…

  4. We’ve decamped up to Geoff & Lorna’s, so back on line on someone else’s machine. Now got to work out where his speakers are to listen in to your Levelling…
    Salut les copains!

  5. [Throws a few coins of the realm into the hat, offers a quick round of gentle applause, and then says…]
    “Belated Happy Birthday, Gwyn!”
    [and disappears quietly into the mist]

  6. Hola Gwyn,

    Pues “girlfriend” se puede decir de varias formas.
    Yo creo que “copine” es mas bien para decir amiga.
    Si quieres decir novia entonces una palabra puede ser “petite copine”. Pero en frances se dice mas bien con un adjetivo posesivo como “ma, mon, mes”. (ma copine, ma petite amie,…)

    Ayyy, un belga dando explicaciones de frances en español a un ingles!!
    Cuidense mucho los 3! Saludos

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