Ah, Mexican Politicians…
…Roberto Madrazo makes headlines in Germany.
Off t’ airport…
…Roberto Madrazo makes headlines in Germany.
Off t’ airport…
… if you’ve not checked out my web portfolio in a while, I heartily encourage you to do so, Spanish speaking or not, tell your friends… It’s cheap as chips for now (prices double once I hit California’s Bay Area). It now boasts the latest site to go live, www.ultrasonido4d.com with more pictures of weird golden babies and extreme womb close ups than any site I’ve designed before…
So today I thought I´d hired someone to turf the garden where Atticus had dug his trench, turns out I just bought the turf, well it was only 175 pesos, what did I expect… anyway, I used to do this kind of thing when I was a landscape gardener back in the day. Turns out I´ve lost the knack, but lets see how it goes. At this stage of the year things grow out of concrete. If all else fails we´ll spend another 8 quid getting the pros in the day before the house inspection…
Antes: Después
There´s a whole US-UK mismatch in language for turfing. Possibly because of the confusion around the word “sod”.
It all started with Mario and Angelica kindly inviting us round their´s on Saturday night. A few bottles of wine and plenty of botanas after arriving, the first tentative steps were made toward “Family Games Night”. Aranza brought Parcheesi, which is like Ludo with strategic elements. It´s popular in Spain though I´ve never played it before. After a few teething troubles (you roll one die, not two) we were completely absorbed in getting our tiddlywinks (fichitas) to circle the board and get home, and taking great malicious pleasure in blocking and eating other players´ fichas along the way. We lost.
Next up was one of my favourites, a Jenga type game, but with a twist that enabled the makers to dodge the patent issues and call it Stacko. Each jenga block was either red, yellow, green or blue and had a number from 1 to 4 on it like Uno, so if the last person removed a red #3, you had to go for a red block or one with #3 on it which makes it a lot harder. Luckily they´re all made from polished plastic so it´s not quite as hard as the artesanal wooden jenga thing we have.
Anyroad, all this nonsense went on until 3am and then some as it turned out we’ve all got quite the competitive streak. Many thanks, M & A 😀
Sunday we got up late, unsurprisingly. I went to the baratillo (huge Tapatian street market on the other side of town) and took a fair few photos. I stumbled into this church too, which is an architectural oddity, I’ve no idea what it’s called.
Afterwards I nipped by Amour Fou to pick up some stuff and got persuaded to play Mexican Scrabble. It was going great guns, practically every letter is worth 4 points and there were about 8 blanks (each worth 1 pt). However it started to get tricky as the board filled up and there seemed to be an endless supply of letters. I counted and there were 200 tiles to put on a 15×15 board (225). Madness I tells you. I don’t think the manufacturers of this game had every tried to play it. Cos unless you start placing your tiles vertically, upwords style, there’s no chance of finishing. And how they dared put in 4 Ws beggars belief. It’s not a letter that features much in the Spanish dictionary, it’s almost always just foreign words like Whiskey, Walkie-Talkie, Windsurfing and gWyn…
After that, Uno, which was a lot more fast moving than Scrabble with a 90% board coverage.
At my photo journalism seminar yesterday one of the attendees was complaining about having bought the Mexico edition of Monopoly and one of the squares having less-than-popular ex-president Vicente Fox on it. What were they thinking? I’d love a Tapatian (Guadalajaran) version of it, mind. I reckon the market’s ready… Collect the utilities, SIAPA, CFE, TELMEX and MEGACABLE…
I promise to post something Mexico related one of these days… in the meantime: Top 40 Demotivational Posters
Righty, we’re off round Mario‘s
Last night we went out to a place called El Palacio de las Vacas, or something similar, and while it rained buckets and we discovered they don´t serve alcohol and they played the Beatles in the background. I´d already drank my own weight in coffee before going out and had another cafe de olla while we were there and was spouting off half remembered Beatles anecdotes. One, how Paul McCartney dreamt the tune to Yesterday and then woke up and thinking he must have heard it somewhere else. Anyway, i googled a bit more today and it turns out (according to the internet…) that the words he heard in his dream were:
Scrambled Eggs,
Oh my baby, how I love your legs.
Which is a much better lyric, if you ask me, and something I will always hear in my head when that song is playing. Then I can´t remember if I read this in Q or something, but someone was asked why they preferred Lennon to McCartney and their answer: When John wrote a song about his childhood he wrote Strawberry Fields Forever. Paul wrote Penny Lane.
Exactly. George was my favourite mind.
… and found this comparison of 1963 and 1991 editions very interesting. They never bothered to make one with Anglicisms mind, with Postman instead of Mail Man etc.
Just an update on stuff… Friday: Drinks and mates round our house… Saturday: A successful Flickr Photo tour round the Parque agua azul and tianguis cultural, followed by La Fuente, a dodgy torta ahogada, then a fine meal round V & J’s, Sunday: The morally dubious world of Toros!, well baby toros not weighing more than 500kg, which involved seeing a kid almost get killed, another one knocked unconscious with a broken nose, and 6 feisty animals ritually slaughtered, fun for all the family and a great photojournalistic opportunity… Monday: Photojournalism Seminario and translation and web designery, Tuesday, ditto with La Fuente tacked on to the end and today the State Archives to dig up information on Lucha Reyes who is going to figure largely in Sita’s next chapter. It’s an interesting building, the library place, what with murals and stuff and everything… Nice to use a microfiche thing again, it’s been years…
Here’s a money saving tip to make this post vaguely worth reading… Bring your own latex gloves if you plan to handle ancient newspapers and you’ll save yourself 5 pesos. Probably.
Basically between chamba and sightseeing not much time for posting in this blog. Generally no news in these pages is good news, worry if I’m posting 3 times a day…
If only to stem the tide of “What have you been up to since seeing them charros on Sunday” questions that have been filling up my inbox, here´s a summary.
Photojournalism classes: 2 per week, 4 hours each in the Hospicio Cabañas in the centre of town. Intriguing stuff, if a little long. I´m remembering why I gave up academia in the first place. I can´t deal with people talking in dark rooms for hours on end. But it has its highlights and the bloke doing the seminars has a lot to teach, definitely glad I signed up…
Yesterday, some fine tuning of the tequila pictures for G.Tulum tequila and a visit to the place where they´re making the bottles.
They’d actually already finished making the bottles for my client, but they were busy making bull and machine gun shaped bottles for someone else.
I’ve also been doing bits and bobs for www.sit2007.org and today and last night I had a go at designing a logo for the Flickr’s Vivir Guadalajara splinter group the recently christened El Lente Tapatío… Here’s the latest iteration, judgement tomorrow…
This morning I read Sita’s latest chapter and it’s excellent as usual, all about the neo liberal politics of tequila protection. And it’s actually hard to put down. Right now Sita’s watching Ay, Jalisco, no te rajes as part of her research and is gasping at every plot twist and loving it. I think I’ll join her. A bientot, mes amis.
I promised to take Sita to the charreria before we left the city, but in the end she couldn’t make it and I went on me own with my trusty camera and zoom lense. I’ve nothing more to add really to my last post about it when I went with Anne and Stu. I took 297 photos in 2 hours and then cherry picked the best 50 which are now over at Flickr… Best entertainment 1 pound 30p can buy you, I reckon.
This photo’s from one of the first events, where the charro has to gallop at full speed then do an emergency stop when the instructor taps his notebook on the dashboard within a chalked area. Then they measure the stopping distance. The shortest wins the charro a round of applause.
I start my photojournalism course today. I’m going to be networking to try and get some kind of press credential too… I might resend that email to the Gazette to another desk there as the sports people are too busy attending skittles and Great Mills League football matches to reply.
Had a nice soirée round Javier’s yesterday too, he lives in one of my favourite areas of Gwod (well, Zapopan technically) called Seattle and met a couple of new peeps. One of whom might want a website for their ecotourism business.
Mixup of the original.
In other news, I just opened the door to Sita’s office and was attacked by something that looked for all the world like some kind of crazed diurnal bat. I armed myself with my camera and went to investigate upstairs where it had fled…
Just a moth. A huge bloody great moth. Brooding on the window with murder on its mind. With big mothy mandibles. It’s still there… I’m sleeping downstairs tonight.
more here…
…when you recognise more than 50% of the following Internet People:
I rang the coliseo (Lucha Libre place) today just to check they wouldn’t let cameras in even with advance notice. Turns out you need an official press credential. I said, not from here I don’t… So I thought to myself, how could I get in touch with a quality paper who might be able to furnish such a thing…
To: The Sports Desk, Somerset County Gazette
BCC: Readers of this here blog
My name’s Gwyn Fisher, I grew up in Kingston St. Mary and think I probably appeared on the cover in my primary school nativity play… My folks and sister have a subscription to the actual paper but you don’t appear to post to Mexico so I make do with the Gazette website’s RSS feed. Anyroad, i’ve been living in Mexico for a few years now but still come back to Taunton to visit my family and friends very often.
Here’s my question… I’m an amateur photographer and really want to take photos of the Lucha Libre wrestlers in the local ring. However they won’t let you in with a camera unless you have press credentials. Is there any possibility at all that you could email or fax some kind of one-off freelance press pass. There’s a fair chance they won’t even accept it, but I’d like to give it a try because there’s a very real chance of some spectacular photos. I’d be more than happy to relinquish all rights to the photos to the Gazette if you think there’s any chance the Somerset public would be interested in the slightest.
The Lucha takes place every Tuesday and Sunday but I’m actually leaving the country in a couple of months so it would be great to see if this is a possibility soon.
I have a blog (agaveweb.com/blog ) and photoblog (agaveweb.com/photos) and also a few poor quality photos from when I smuggled a small camera in last time (www.gwynunlimited.com/luchalibre.htm) if you have the time or the inclination.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and look forward to hearing whether you can help,
Keep up the great work,
Fingers Crossed! I’ll post any news here.
I’m also signing up for a photojournalism course which starts in a week or so. Mexico rocks!
So yesterday we decided to stay another month, till the 2nd of December or thereabouts. I am very happy about this turn of events, it means we can fit in a trip to Mexico City, see the Day of the Dead properly, Sita can finish her interviewing relatively stress free and any other number of happy outcomes. ‘Cus is still slated to leave on Thursday though, and I can’t believe I’m writing this, but I’m going to miss him…
Anyway by way of a despedida for Atticus and celebration of one more month we had some good friends round and did the usual grilled arrachera and tequila thang. It was a fine afternoon. All the “‘Cus has a posse” photos are at Flickr. Here’s Sita, Ana and Jorge holding up the cake with “Felicidades, 1 mes más” on it.
Also of note is the photo of Beethoven, the enormous St. Bernard that sends Atticus into a frenzy when he’s taken on his walk by our house at around 9pm every night.
Last night we went out to a sushi restaurant thinking a change from red meat would do us the power of good. The place we chose however specialised in some kind of deep fried battered sushi / tempura affair which was pretty heavy on the stomach, still we walked home from there and watched a few episodes of the American Office and today´s been quiet so far. Today I´ve been rebuilding my lightbox and retaking the photos since they changed the labels on the tequila bottles and need new pix. Which is pretty therapeutic work to be honest. Later I´m off doing Amour Fou´s tech support and then we´ll have a meal and head of to Chapalita where there´s some kind of mini celebration of the Grito. Last year´s was fairly hectic in the centre so we´re toning it down a tad.
TelMex saw fit to block the internet tubes to our house yesterday, hence today´s early morning location. It’s always when you’ve got lots of work on that the interwebs stop. Hey ho, it means that yesterday I got to finish a novel for the first time in ages, Nick Hornby’s A Long Way Down, which was alright as a novel but a tad grating due to his (characters’) overuse of similes. It’s like when you’re watching a daytime Antiques program on BBC 1. And all they do is use puns. But in the long run, it’s like you appreciate it. But sometimes, puns are like a comfortable cushion. Etc. that kind of thing. On the plus side it means I can finally start The Hummingbird’s Daughter, which after 10 pages looks like just my kind of thing. Atticus * also got more quality time than usual. And I spent a while strumming away at the gee-tar. So every cloud etc… And I love Starbucks’ burnt coffee too. So swings and roundabouts are the order of the day.
Ever wondered how to count to 1023 on your fingers? Cesar’s put his vast intellect into creating a demo. My fingers aren’t quite that flexible… The real challenge would be combining counting to 1023 while performing this Daft Punk track (it gets good at about 1 minute in).
Alrighty, back to my research y chamba.
* ‘Cus looked starving at 5.30 yesterday and Sita wasn’t back from the gym yet so I made him a gourmet meal with leftovers from Sita’s steak on Sat night. A couple of hours later and i remarked to Sita that the dog looked chubbier than usual, then I asked her if she’d fed him and she said “Of course, with the leftovers from Saturday mixed in”. So he’d had two huge meals. Anyway, several miles of running up and down the garden later and he puked like a good’un in the living room. There’s a lesson in there somewhere… We need some kind of “Dog has been fed” system in the kitchen. He’s full of beans today though. Not literally.