Pierrot Restaurant, Guadalajara

Last night Sita and I dined in Pierrot (Justo Sierra 2355) which was billed as a French restaurant, and I have to say the food there is fantastic. It nudges out El Sacromonte of my top 3 Guadalajara restaurants (La Matera and La I Latina still stand). As per usual it was pretty much empty at 8 o’clockish because only gringos eat at that time on a Friday night. I saw a stack of reservations for 10 pm which is a more normal time to eat round these parts.

The prices are relatively high end, most main dishes are around the 150 peso mark, but they’re worth every centavo… There’s a good list of wines from Chile, Spain and Mexico and the menu’s in French, then Spanish then English. We ordered starters of Fromage (Quesos, Cheeses) and Jamón Serrano (“Special Ham” apparently) which were definitely specially imported. One of the cheeses was a fierce little number but there was also brie, gouda and goat cheese. Then the main dishes arrived. I went for the steak, almost ordering it Término Azul, but chickening out at the last minute and going for rojo, rare, instead, and young Sita plumped for the lomo (pork). They brought it and transferred it to the plate and then piled veggies and spuds all over it. It was probably one of the best meals I’ve had in this fair city. Sita’s was none too shabby neither.

If you come to visit us in Gwod and we don’t take you there then you can rightly take offence…

Thank you very much, Sally and Martin, for sponsoring last night’s gluttony. Extremely appreciated, many thanks…
[tags]Pierrot, restaurant, review, gluttony, steak, guadalajara, jalisco, mexico[/tags]

It takes a while to get used to…

…like when you have your hair cut (or so I’m told). So I was in the mood for rejigging things, and thus, BEHOLD! “Un inglés en Guanatos”‘s latest encarnation. It’ll probably change some more because I’m using an out of the box template (called “I feel dirty”) with some minor revisions. Anyroad, hope you like it. Since my other blog now has the agave theme I thought I’d do summink completely different with this one.

Thanks, Paul and Jesse, for weighing in on the various redesigns.

So last night I went to the Lucha Libre again with Anel, Claus and co, this time in a different arena. We travelled there in the back of someone’s pick up, which made it all the more authentic. It was pricier, mind, the cheap seats were 80 pesos a pop. Still sterling entertainment as always.

Erm… I put up some shelves in me office making use of me new hand drill. I just wanted one of these but every where I went they said they didn’t make them any more and how’s about one of these. Okay, says I and now I’m ready to make holes all over the house. The next project is a new kitchen counter and with my brawn, Daniel’s DIY know-how and my shiny new drill, we’ll be there in no time.

Tonight after deciding there’s bugger all in the cinema (Perfume, Kilometro 32, Blood Diamonds and Borat have all just come out), we’re going to stay in and watch the new episode of LOST and some more Bones… But before that, Sita’s folks are treating us to a birthday meal somewhere. So many thanks in advance, Sally & Quito.

There’s more translation stuff in the works for next week… and I want to investigate an e-commerce plug-in for wordpress. Then my parents’ grand entrance to Mexico on Saturday and our week in Tulum y ¡mucho más!

Also, I’m trying to think of a pithy description of this blog for the upper right corner “about” bit… any ideas?
[tags]lucha libre, redesign, wordpress, templates[/tags]

I gave my corporate presence a Web 2.0 makeover

After making Nourishing Nutrition a fully WordPress-generated site I thought I’d treat agaveweb.com to a “pimping” to use the vernacular… it now features all kinds of rounded corners/ reflectiony jiggery pokery and has some social aspects. I’m chuffed I got the translation calculator to survive the transition too.

Anyroad, spanish-speaking or not, I’d appreciate your thoughts… Click thee hence to: agaveweb.com 2.0

Nb. spanish speakers, once I work out if i’m using tú or Ud I’ll sort that out… and there’s little bits here and there to tran

There’s all kinds of hullaballoo on teh interwebs…

…about whether the the snap.com preview things currently popping up all over the intertubes are a good or bad thing. Here at agaveweb we value your opinion, cherish your patronage and are forever buggering around trying to make reading this rubbish less painful. Please be so good as to click either the Polls tab above or THIS HERE LINK that says POLLS! in block capitals and make your feelings known. Swift action will be taken according to the results. Don’t be intimidated by the 100% “marvellous” results. Cos that was me checking the system worked.

One vote per IP address now and enjoy the AJAX AJAX. Thanks in advance for your valuable feedback or “retroalimentación” in dubious Spanish.

Here’s a pic of where I’m blogging from these days. Just decorated it with some prints from around these fair shores and a Big Lebowski poster (or “Identidad Peligrosa”) from Amour Fou your friendly neighbourhood video rental shop. 20 pesos no less.


We’re back from the land of the unpronouncable names and Nahuatl for “the place of the fishermen”. Try navigating around with names like Tzintzuntzan and Ihuatzio. Very good scrabble scores all round. It’s an incredibly beautiful area, which I won’t attempt to describe I’ll let the photos do the painting of thousands of words. Suffice to say it’s an unmissable part of the United States of Mexico abundant in flora, fauna, cuisine and even lightning and rainbows. Here’s the Flickr photo set of the Michoacán pix and here’s some of me faves:

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In other news, i just noticed that me dad done gone and went and gotten himself a blog.

My favourite’s “Pie Chart”

Via b3ta: They’ve remade the “I’m a PC” Mac adverts with Mitchell and Webb for the UK audience. Some are word for word versions of the US ones. Some aren’t… Also here’s Biff out of Back to the Future singing all the questions he’s asked.

Anyroad, we’re off to the hills today along with most of the population of Gwod who are having their puente weekend. As ever, more photos than you can shake a stick at on Monday/Tuesday. A bientot…

Tips on opening a new restaurant

Monica had to go back to LA yesterday to check on her mum who took a turn for the worse with her Lupus. Hopefully things’ll stablise/improve a fair bit and Monica can come back in a couple of weeks.

My favourite searches ending up at Agaveweb for Jan 2007:

“gate.com sucks” – have to agree
“safeway coinmaster” – perennial favourite
“take away restaurants in bristol” – ¿?
“roggy mcgee” – Sita’s cousin’s dog
“para abrir un restaurante que necesito ademas de las sillas” (To open a restaurant, what do I need? other than the chairs…”) Good luck, mate. Tables for one thing.
“como superar los miedos a la oscuridad” (How to overcome fear of the dark). That one probably went to Mi vida regida por el ridiculo though, what with the theme of darkness, fear, darkness, fear… I’d recommend changing the bulbs to increasingly low wattage over a period of months and starting a diet rich in beta-carotene post haste.

Have some oranges.


Pátzcuaro bound

Ever eager to boost the number of pueblos mágicos we’ve visited, we’re off to Patzcuaro this weekend. Allegedly about 3 hours away and “hidden high in the mountains of Michoacán” if Wikipedia’s to be believed. It’s a bank holiday on Monday… Día de la Constitución or somesuch.. Jana and Victor know a grand place to stay so there’ll be six of us living it up there. Good times…

The weather here’s taken a turn for the nippy. It even rained yesterday. Not part of the plan at all. Anyroad, today the idea today is get some lesson planning done for tomorrow and maybe go to the torture exhibition if it’s still on.

Also I’m enjoying the music of this young lady found via Pat’s blog in Providencia, Guanatos, Jalisco, Mexico.

Have a photo of Las Cabaas in central Gwod. Used to be a hospice, y’know…


A genuinely busy day

has now finished so I find myself browsing my various web feeds and here are the highlights:

Why can’t you buy cashew nuts in their shells?
Balloons, balloons, balloons. Balloons!.
Mavis Beacon’s typing tutor this ain’t.
Jon Stewart doing what he does best.
Possible engineering project for my new office.
Jeebus knows what myth they were busting here.

And this one reminds me of coming to the states and getting looks for not clearing up my table after eating in fast food establishments. Good to be reminded I’m not the only one. I do now though. Promise. And I was at Starbucks today again. Really must stop doing that especially given the extremely good coffee and wifi available at La Estación de Lulio and Mondo Café or many of these independant coffee shops.

And finally links to some other peeps on the photo tour. We’ve some suspiciously similar photos… de Eliazar, y El Charro Negro,. Can’t believe I missed out on the “abrazos gratis”…

Once again, don’t forget snap.com will show you previews of any links when you hover over them. And if you’re sick of that particular effect, click on the “options” at the top right of the bubble to turn them off completely.

Según el sapo es la pedrada

100_0346On the photo tour, Eliazar told me a new (to me) Spanish phrase: “Dependiendo del sapo, así es la pedrada“. The stone you throw depends on the size of toad. I’m not confident enough to use this phrase yet, but I think it means something like you have scale what you’re using to the problem you’re facing. There’s no point in throwing a small stone at a large toad, nor a huge stone at a tiny toad… Maybe…?

If anyone reading can give an example, I’d be glad to see it commented. Even the usually excellent WordReference.com draws a blank on this one… A search for sapo gets you:

sapo m Zool toad ♦ LOC: fam (despotricar) echar sapos y culebras, to curse and swear:

Which is another one I’d not heard, “To throw toads and snakes”, to curse and swear… or better still, “effing and blinding”.

Yesterday after Tonalá, dining, decorating and skyping the world we were going to have our subjunctive class, however we ended up watching about a dozen+ back-to-back episodes of Bones on DVD. Strangely apt after driving past the new (¿?) Jaliscan Forensic Science Building on Lazaro Cardenas. CSI Guanatos indeed… Now there’s a series I’d like to watch…

Some of yesterday’s purchases… a metal agave thing, DVD shelf, and shining star things.

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This reminds me of the Cat TV

we made for Yoda the kitten way back in university in Swansea… I say for Yoda, but it was blatantly for us. Make your own cat TV with a cardboard box, cellophane and a long stick. Nowhere near as cruel as this though, not even close:


I think March of the Valkyries would be a better soundtrack than “Under the Sea”…

Fototur Tapatio 01-07

Well, that was a lovely afternoon wandering round the city centre of Guadalajara (Guanatos to its denizens) and meeting likeminded souls. While sipping Coronas con sal y limon in La Fuente El Charro Negro and Eliazar turned up with cameras in tow and we decided to go off snapping shots of the centre, from La Fuente to Las Cabaas to San Juan de Dios. A couple more Flickreros joined us in the cabaas and we watched life unfold in San Juan. I hope we can do it again some time. Thanks to everyone for coming, looking forward to your photos…

Here’re some of my faves:

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Then we had dinner at La Divina Tentación, a v. nice restaurant, though we got there at 8 and left at 9:30ish and were the only customers there. Outnumbered 3 to 1 by waiters. Good food and not hugely pricey. Recommended…

Today Sita and I went on a lightning trip to Tonalá where we bought more trinkets to decorate the homestead with, including a copper agave thing (photo one of these days…) which we bargained down from 300 pesos to 200, then came back to a shiny clean house thanks to M & D’s Herculean efforts. And a rug which “really ties the room together…”

Later today: giving a private class to Monica and Daniel on the delights of the subjunctive mood. In Starbucks, for our sins…

Nourishing Nutrition’s had a makeover

I’m quite chuffed indeed with how today’s project went of updating the look of nourishing nutrition, a health and nutrition site for a mate of mine, Jenny, in Santa Cruz, CA. It now features WordPress as a content management system and should be much easier to update. It also looks prettier thanks to basing it on an open source template and adapting it to the corporate branding.

Last night sita and me went to see Children of Men (again). Fantastic film that definitely bears a second viewing thanks to the rich visuals and nuanced acting. And big explosions… Today, hopefully round Anel & Claus’s for some kind of barby. And tomorrow the Flickr meet up. All continues to be well…

Bits of Guadalajara got wi-fi when I wasn’t looking

100_8979according to El Informador which I found via Living Without Borders which in turn I found because they got wind of the fototour and have complimentary things to say about my flickr photostream. Bless em. If you’re surfing in from there for some reason, then yes, in all likelihood it’ll be a Spanish speaking event, but there’s always the universal language of photography and beers. I’d have posted a comment over there but they have comments disabled. Anyroad, all are welcome. It’s nothing too formal and none of us know each other outside of Flickr commentaries and the occasional Flickrmail.

Anyroad, got to go. The home made pizza’s burning. Pizzas No’tardamos aren’t open on Wednesdays…

The “Fuente -> Famosos Equipales” Guadalajara Foto Tur


Blimey, 5+ peeps have signed up for the photo tour on Saturday along with a few maybes. If you’ve happened upon this blog, understand the language and have a camera, come along on Saturday at 1 – 1h30 to La Fuente cantina, Calle Pino Suarez in central Guanatos for a few hours wandering the streets snapping photos and cotorreando. Or post-photography chat in Los Famosos Equipales (Juan Alvarez 710) around 4pm. César, ¿te late?



Yesterday was busyish with translations, webdesignery and the nascent stirrings of an Oklahoma property listings service website that may be in the offing using Open Realty open source software. Also There’s a fancy new element to the site here you may or may not have noticed courtesy of snap.com. If you hover the mouse over links on the page you’ll get a preview popping up that shows you a thumbnail of where the links go. If it says check back later, try again in 15 seconds or so so snap has a chance to screengrab that page. Muy fancy as we say round here…

I’m thinking of organising a Flickr meet up for Tapatian photographers this weekend, it’d be nice to meet some of the folks who share their photos round this way and swap favourite places around Gwod. More news as developments become more solid…

Also, Atticus might well be coming to live in Gwod for a few months, as carry-on luggage in March. Sally and Martin deserve a break from him after 18 months or so…

Spanish phrase of the week: “Ganar la rifa del tigre” to win the tiger raffle. Whereupon it seems like you were very lucky to win the raffle, but the prize is a tiger. Which eats you. So ganar la rifa del tigre means seemingly good luck which turns out to be very bad.

All roads lead to Barra de Navidad

100_0058 Let’s start by saying there are two roads to Barra de Navidad from Guadalajara. One is “la libre”, 80, which turns off from the toll road to Colima 10 minutes after the Plaza Outlet Mall thing. This is the one we took as the signs said “Barra de Navidad this way” and looked good to me, despite Sita shouting “don’t turn off here!”. Depending on the traffic and the competence of the driver this windy, twisty, convoluted, corkscrew route will take around 6 hours and you’ll see more topes than 100_0203you should ever have to see in one day (see video in César’s blog). That said, it’s a stunning drive through the mountains. We set off late and arrived after dark, Sita and Monica checked out 5 hotels or so before settling on El Marquez de Santana which was perfect. Clean rooms, close to the beach, cable, secure parking, A/C, friendly staff and a pool for 60 bucks a night… bargain.

100_0065 We wandered into town and had an outstanding meal at a restaurant whose name I forget, which overlooked the lake. Then continued on to Rocktavios where there was live music and a few tequilas on the beach. Next day was quiet, breakfast on the beach where the (short/long sighted/ blind?) waitress said I looked like Ricardo Arjona of “Pinguinos en la Cama” notoriety. Then shopping for trinkets. Then beers on the beach, pozole, nap, beers, DanceDanceRevolution, meal, wander, bed. Lovely day.

100_0190 Yesterday we set off in search of Tenacatita to check out the mangrove swamps. It was a lot further along the coast than the bloke at the hotel said, so we had breakfast in Cuastecomate and watched pelicans doing their thing in a gorgeous natural harbour surrounding. We eventaully got to Tenacatita and had more food and then hired ourselves a lancha and lanchista (300 pesos, 16 quid an hour) who showed us round the manglares at high tide. A lovely refreshing ride, with none of the fauna we expected (no crocodiles nor snakes) but a fair few crabs and different coloured garzas (storks, i think)… High tide meant dodging the low hanging mangrove roots but was fun all the way…

After all that, back to Gwod. But not on the 80, we went to Colima on windyish roads, then pretty much 5 star roads from there on taking about 4 hrs all in all.

Monica’s got an alternative version of events over here. and there’s plenty of pix as usual at Flickr central.

Here’s a low res virtual tour of the Manglares de Tenacatita:

Off to the beach

But not before checking out b3ta’s Friday linksfest. Fave bits: UK cleaning product advert gets the video treatment: Cillit Bang Remix takes me right back to me happy hardcore days. ‘Ard core raver, do ya-self a favour… And the dirt is gone. Class…

And amazon.co.uk’s reviews of Peter Andre and Katie Price’s new album.

And still haven’t completed level one of this mousetrappy game type thing.

Normal service, photos and bla bla bla on Monday. Happy weekend agaveweberos.