Oo ar – ar = ar
It dawned on me yesterday that I generally write me blog with a lot of piratisms. The personal pronoun ‘me’ instead of ‘my’ fr’instance. Makes sense, given the number of pirates from the West Country…
Anyroad, I’ve been working like a good’un the last couple of days. Between fixing OSCommerce to work on the latest version of PHP on the server, actionscripting away at the Flash site which is now weighing in at around 2.7meg, even knocked off a Sp-En 900 word translation last night. And still had time for a bit of scrabble and played a fine few games last night on SINGLE mode. There are various options for choosing your opponents. Which dictionary you’re going to use. SOWPODS is the one for Brits, Aussies, Kiwis and the occacional Canadian and TWL is the American one. Then the type of game you’ll play, VOID, where the computer checks your word is valid and if it ain’t then you get another go, SINGLE, where you can put any word you like unless you’re challenged by the other player, and if it’s not valid you miss a go and variations on those themes. And of course the length of game. Anything from 3 minutes a side (which I can usually do, but need my caffeine) to 1hr. Anyroad, I prefer VOID but last night had a really enjoyable 5 SINGLE games with DrJen, an Australian. SINGLE can be a bugger because I have the American words stuck in my mind from playing on my PDA and so you think everything’s hunky dory then you’re challenged and you end up losing. Surely ‘oafing”s a word… apparently not, though. Anyroad, I’ve still got a 4 figure rating at the end of the day so all’s well and that…
Not sure what today will bring, but I’m guessing my laptop will feature prominently. I still try to get out even if it’s just to get tacos or coffee. Maybe a jaunt downtown. Back to LALAland in the v.near future for a week or so I’m going to enjoy walking while I still can…