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Rain Dog


Wander round el Centro de GDL

Wander round el Centro de GDL

Going on the open-top bus tour with Beth and Ali t’other day made me realise I hadn’t really had a good wander round the centre of Guadalajara for a while. Things on my list included: the pitaya (dragon fruit) market over at Nueve Esquinas, the Daniel Buren artistic intervention in el Instituto Cultural las Cabañas (highly recommended, enormous mirrors, billowing curtains and colourful patterns accentuate and play with the buildings’ symmetry and space), and a look at the Mercado Corona post fire (it’s being demolished). Also I hadn’t been on the 629 bus in a long time and to go a year in la Perla Tapatia without buying a bus ticket would have been a verguenza. The Tabachin trees are in full bloom, there’s half a ton of bananas growing outside our house, and thanks to yesterday being El Día de la Madre (Happy Mexican Mother’s Day, Mum!), if you weren’t buying or receiving flowers you probably weren’t from around these parts. Here’s they pics:

BTW, hope you like the new format for galleries and suchlike.


Lovely video produced by Dad. Hopefully Jim Noir’s ‘My Patch’ won’t get taken down, but other tree felling timelapse choices could include:

I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay – Monty Python
Trees – Pulp
Tree falling* – Tom Petty

*close enough 😉