69.7% turnout, not bad at all.
Goodbye Adrian Flook, hello Jeremy Browne (Lib Dem). Hope my proxy vote helped…
Goodbye Adrian Flook, hello Jeremy Browne (Lib Dem). Hope my proxy vote helped…
Sorry folks, i’ve taken the comment thing off of the site as it got well and truly spammed apart. Once I figure out how to filter it they’ll be back.
Am off for a run now, believe it or not… Just a little excess rage to work off. On June 4th check back here for an MP3 that has to be heard to be believed. If your interest is piqued, email me and I’ll send you the link…
rating kittens and competitively rearranging letters. Also put a few pix up from travels round San Jose’s Cinco de Mayo celebration and orchids on flickr. Rum old day at work. Much of a mixedness, swings and psychopaths and all that. Spend 75 minutes being worked on by dentists. Managed to fit a game of scrabble in on the palm, take some photos of my x-rays and my increasingly expensive mouth. They’ll be posted soon enough… If that doesn’t tempt you back i don’t what will. Cheersy.
No bloody wifi in the hotel. 10 bucks for 15 minutes or summink, but i sneaked into the business lounge to check my hotmail and suchlike. Lots to say, but little time and certain contractual obligations prevent me. Till June 3rd… Car broke down good and proper yesterday. Missed a v. important meeting and got towed by two different tow truck people. Today, one new alternator and $429 later, it’s all back to normal. Anyroad, hopefully shall sleep tonight. I’m off to the reception for earplugs and to settle in to me hotel room. 48 hrs to the weekend…
Went to visit me cousin Ian in Millbrae. He and Yuri had a baby, William James, in December and this was the first time we’d seen him in person. He was defying all stereotypes by being quiet, smiley and pretty interactive in general. Click on the photo for more poses. It’ll still be a few years yet before sita and I move babywards… you heard it here first.
The car had its brake and battery lights lit on the dashboard on the way home and at one point the electrics cut out, so we stopped in saratoga where they checked the brake fluid and changed the battery. The lights stayed on all the while. It’s behaving fine apart from that… ‘ll have to phone click and clack next saturday.
Today was a marathon washing day and then went exploring Pogonip park with Anarchist/Asparagus/Antichrist/Atticus . There’re a few photos here. I’m feeling distictly brain dead at the minute. Time to watch some telly and fold some clothes. Feels like a very english evening. I half expect songs of praise and last of the summer wine to be on when I reach for the remote.
One Flickr Pro account won by the Sociomolology/Contractor tag-team from Virginia and their assorted pets.
Vive le weekend!
I used to be vegetarian, but those days are long gone. The BBQ’s back in action in our back garden, we brought it out of hibernation when bert and his dad, David, arrived last saturday. Tasty. I’m going to use Flickr to host my pictures for a while and talking of which, I have one more Pro account to give away. I signed up before they got taken over by Yahoo and slashed their prices and increased their services, so they’re giving me 2 free accounts. I’ve offered one to me Dad, still waiting for him to accept. The other’s for the next guest mappee to add themself. Don’t forget to include your email address. If you’re already on there, just email me asking nicely. First come, first served.
Fruitful, sleepy day today. Am now 95% officially a US permanent resident, just have to wait for me green card to arrive. They stamped me passport in the meantime. It’s a much more efficient system now, instead of queuing up at 5am and hoping to get in, they’ve got an automated online appt system. I was in and out within 15 minutes. It would have been less but I had to go back to the car to leave my PDA there cos it can take photos which could be disastrous for homeland security apparently.
anyroad, below is a 9.5 second file of Monday evening in Ciao bella with Bert, his Dad, Sita and me. In the clip it’s just bert looking suspicious then the camera panning up to see the ring of redwoods which the outside dining area’s in. It’s a bit dark and as ever, dial up users may feel a little dissappointed. Bert and co headed south yesterday, you may see them keeping well within the speed limit in one of the following places in the next few days: Monterey, Big Sur, Hearst Castle, Santa Barbara, L.A., Palm Springs, Las Vegas. It was grand to see them, I just wish I could have taken some time of work to spend relaxing with them. But that will come soon. He blogged cryptically…
CiaoBellawithBertandRedwoods.asf (585k file) I think ASF is fairly universally recognised. Comment me if not. Cheers- gwyn
normal blogging will be resumed shortly…
quick stream of consciousness from last Wed to today… meetings… reports… fielding phone calls… reporters cancelling… final preps for social… dog… sita in miami… sita back… dog… social event… tables… bert and dad arrive… barby in the back garden… party round gerwin’s… breakfast on the wharf… rehearsal for queer youth awards… played guitar… asparagus… atticus… anarchist… ciao bella… “‘china” the cat… car hire… workworkwork… pope… dentist… budgets… next week planning… dr. bert’s friend… Red? Tomorrow… berkeley… first 5… scrabble… thurs… INS/Dept of homeland nonsense… passport photos… announcements at work… ian’n’yuri’n’william… on sunday he rested or had a stab at it… monday… training… tues -> berkeley… trianing… training… training. dentist again. 3 x fillings, 1 x crown replacement.
Got home, got pounced on by the mutt, tied him to the front door so he could watch me mow the lawn with la poderosa. and our neighbour comes over to tell me atticus escaped from the back garden today and she’d had to pick him up off the street and put him back in. He got out through the side door somehow. So i mowed her lawn’n’all to return the favour. then walked the little bugger. now he’s still full of beans and acting up, i’m knackered and i’ve got to pull together a presentation for tomorrow morning and some other stuff too… jayziz.
Sita had a nice flight to Miami. She’ll be presenting stuff too tomorrow, in front of 400 or so people all ravenous for hot sociological debate. I’ve wished her well by phone which is just as well as it costs 10 bucks for wifi in her hotel and she’ll not be reading this.
anywell, back to the grind. maybe just one strongbad first…
I’ve been working since 8:30 this morning, and things keep piling up. It’s 5.45 i’m still at work and have tons to do. Hope the dog’s not being too loud in the back garden, he gets well narky if he hasn’t dragged us on a walk. I’m going to have to finish this at home… Just had to vent somewhere.
I’ll be voting by proxy… (don’t forget, mum). Didn’t think UKIP would come before Labour, mind…
Liberal Democrat
Labour -17 ![]() | |
Conservative -39 ![]() | |
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UK Independence Party -2 ![]() | |
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You should vote: Liberal Democrat
The LibDems take a strong stand against tax cuts and a strong one in favour of public services: they would make long-term residential care for the elderly free across the UK, and scrap university tuition fees. They are in favour of a ban on smoking in public places, but would relax laws on cannabis. They propose to change vehicle taxation to be based on usage rather than ownership.
Take the test at Who Should You Vote For
Hopefully this is a static link… Nicky Wire out of the Manics gets awarded his degree from Swansea at last. He was too busy supporting the Levellers the first time around. I remember my graduation from Swansea well. Sita blew the electricity to the house we were sharing with the hair drier. Mum and Dad came up from Zummerzet. I had to wear a tie and a plus-size mortarboad and gown thing. Me hair was still shortish. Half the ceremony was in Welsh. A harpist harped. People clapped continuously for 50 minutes or so. And I couldn’t get out of there quickly enough. Then we all went to the Cricketer’s/Firkin pub for a quick meal right after. And I think I was in the middle of a TEFL course too and planning the trip to Sevilla. Was it six years ago? Hey ho, when I said remembered it “well” a few lines backs, that’s open to interpretation.
Went to town today and bought Rilo Kiley CD and the March issue of Q. I’m mp3ifying RK now to listen to while walking the beastie. Q’s definitely gone downhill of late, though; these days I read it and think I could do better. And I don’t have the highest opinion of my own writing skills. I don’t reckon it’s just cos i’m older and not in touch with what the kids are listening to. Q always used to be for old people anyway. Luckily us old people have got Word magazine which is marvellous, has some fine CDs on the cover and many decent articles. Seems like a lot of Select’s writers have ended up there now too. I might have to change my 5 star review of Q on Amazon.
Tanya and Sudarat came round for scrabble and black books last night. Well they didn’t know about the black books part when asked over, but I foisted it on them. bless’em, i didn’t fancy another friday night on me own. Sudarat’s just back from screening her film in a New York arts cinema and Tanya’s been extremely under the weather for nigh on 4 wks and is just coming out of the worst of it. Merci mucho pour la company. All that wound down around midnight and i started watching The Goodies but fell asleep a couple of minutes into the opening credits. Anyroad, not a great night’s sleep all in all so I’m going to try and get another nap in now (it’s half seven am).
and if you live in the states, this google satellite thingis fantastic. put your address in, zoom in, drag it round. magic. And if you’re looking to buy/rent a house in San Francisco or anywhere Craigslist is used, this is an impressive combination of google maps and the rent listings, with pictures and everything. That’s the 21st century for you…
Click here if you have a fastish PC, decent graphics card and connection too… to watch this blog get bombed, lasered and ravaged by dinosaurs. Back soon…
Oregon, this week… Florida next… San Diego last. It’s got to stop if only so the dog can live in a stable home environment. I came back today and he was staring at his food bowl by the door. Looks like the ants were keeping him entertained for a bit. Thanks ants.
Anyroad, off for walkies presently… wish we hadn’t sold our treadmill…
Click away for the kind of quality news coverage we’ve come to expect from the Taunton Gazette… EDIT: I checked the link and they’d changed it from a story about a ghost haunting a Wellington couple to a tragic one about a baby dying. Really sorry about that. I thought the link was static.
Meanwhile in the London Standard… it’s fun all the way too of a different kind…
Just came back from a nice moonlit walk along the beach with young sita and the mutt. Well happy about the time change even though I desperately needed that extra hour last sunday. I’ve also just added a few random photos to my Flickr account to try out the upload program. Which you’re invited to browse through…