Florid by Stuart Capstick

I mentioned this on the facebooks, but there’s no harm in putting it here too…

My mate Stu only went and wrote a novel. As anyone who knows him would expect, it’s a gem of a read, a real page-turner, that keeps you guessing and wondering where the devil the inspiration for something as otherworldly and darkly funny came from right to the end.

Join the campaign to make it a christmas number 1, order your copy now:

The Running Man

The above’s a short video of the charming little animated ‘green white man’ on all the pedestrian crossings in Oaxaca. I like how he encourages you to run, not walk, the closer it gets to the stop again. I also wonder if there’s a backwards setting in there somewhere…

As you know, no news on this blog means there’s lots of news occurring, but no time to write about it. In brief, we made several gourmet home-made pizzas last night with a couple of lovely folks from Bowdoin. Today’s Wolfe’s Neck with dearest Atticus, picking up Blackcurrant & Apple juice, Twiglets and as many Creme Eggs as I can stomach, from the UK Essentials shop in Freeport. Tomorrow, if the weather holds, tis a Flickr meet in Brunswick of all places… so maybe some more Mainecentric photos will follow soon. And that is the mere tip of the iceberg in terms of current events round our way.

On me ownsome…

Look it! My camera’s got a time-lapse mode. If Atticus was here now we’d be in business. As it is, here’s my first effort. Play him off, keyboard cat:

An Easter Bonnet

Easter Bonnet
N.B. Requires UK English for pun to function...

Happy Pascua y’ustedes!

Swansea (& 30 other UK cities) just got Google streetview

which means I can check out all the places I used to live in alarmingly high resolution…

Here’s 6, Trafalgar Place, here’s Mister D’s, and here’s the Uplands Tav (The Celtic Pride’s AWOL…)

When US cities got streetview there were all manner of interesting scenes, wonder what Swansea and Brizzle will turn up… I dread to think

Mum & Dad are still here till Sunday, so I’m still keeping off facebook. I might be on Flickr from time to time still. Beach tomorrow, weather permitting. Normalish service as of monday. Regards to all.

Almost forgot me blog’s password

it’s been so long… Anyroad, we’re 1 week into having Mum and Dad around. We’ve been to waterfalls, forests, wine country, downtown & trader joe’s and seen sun, sleet, fog and snow. Things are going grand, it’s lovely having them around. It’s been nice to get away from Facebook for a while too. I bundled them off to see Slumdog an hour ago at the cinema down the road, so I’m taking advantage of the time to nose around the interwebs and update me status here and there.

Photos will eventually find their way onto Flickr, where one of the photos from the waterfalls trip got on Explore.

'You didn't mention the volcanic formations, Gwyn'

I’ve a couple more full days at L&C then on Thursday, if it stops snowing long enough, we’re going to either hit the coast or the gorge. We’ve been saving the Science museum (OMSI) for when the weather gets truly dire, so tomorrow as it reaches its nadir, I think they’ll be checking out all that. Either way, if all’s quiet at this here blog, just assume things are going grand. Thanks for not giving up on reading… hasta pronto y’all 🙂

Desperate times, desperate measures – Comcast error SRM 8001

Desperate times, desperate measures – Comcast error SRM 8001

No, not the economy.

I got fed up with not being able to watch On Demand offerings on cable last night so I finally gave up thinking ‘it’s probably just snow on the lines, or flooding, or high winds, or volcanic/seismic activity’ and phoned Comcast to sort it out. 40 minutes of classical music later, I hung up before my mobile phone died. Then I tried email. Today I got a reply suggesting using their ‘live chat’ .  Click on the ‘more’ link or whatever it’s called if you’d like to read the conversation between John.Michael.37920 and Ms. Fisher in its entirety. Basically I’m waiting the proposed 15-30 minutes now and thought posting about Comcast would help pass the time.

Last night we ordered some Mexican food from the local El Salvadorian restaurant (I know…), and since the line was bad and there was a lot of background noise, rather than spending the usual 5 minutes spelling gwyn, I gave my name as Paco. Unfortunately this led to even more confusion and thus we ended up with Tacos de carne asada rather than burritos.

I’d like to say more has been happening of note but not really. Lots of work. Lots of walking the dog. A fair bit of reading. Countless hours on the internets… Half my family appeared in Taunton’s Gazette last week. That was probably the highlight… Doesn’t he look happy? I think I inherited the “Yay-It’s-snow!” gene…

All the news that’s fit to print

Ah well, I’m off to check if I can watch The Soup on demand yet. If not I’ll be live chatting again for a substantial chunk of this morning.

Read More “Desperate times, desperate measures – Comcast error SRM 8001”

From labourers to teachers to physicists to web monkeys

Dad just published the fruit of years of research by my Uncle David and Auntie Liz in his Flickrstream– the family tree dating back the 18th century. It’s altogether humbling and an impressive project in itself.

Click to view HUGE file, involves a bit of scrolling...

Today DrSita headed off to New Orleans, back on Friday. News as and when. Mario & Ange Pt II:

Last Tuesday, did 9 to 5 on campus, while M&A went to the zoo (i think…), then in the evening Sita cooked (again) and we played a new board game, Sequence, which is like Connect 4, but with cards, teamwork and a lot more vitriol…

Wednesday, 9 to 4 on campus for me, then a walk with ‘Cus and in the evening M&A&me saw the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, in the frozen mists of Moreland. 3 hours long or so, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Like a sci-fi Forrest Gump. 4 Lulus.