Ciao Bella Restaurant
Couple of pix from last night, sita with the Ciao Bella cat, and the all singing, all dancing wait staff. Something of a Santa Cruz institution this place…
Couple of pix from last night, sita with the Ciao Bella cat, and the all singing, all dancing wait staff. Something of a Santa Cruz institution this place…
And while we’re sort of on the subject of photogenic beasties, this blog rounds up the cutest animal pictures on the interweb so you don’t have to.
After my commission-free plug for skype, here’s one for FireFox:
Firefox Flicks: Wheee!
Tanya passed on this poem to me, as requested, bless her. I’ve had quite a few worse things round my way of late, but it tends to be nearer 4 a.m…
There are worse things than having behaved foolishly in public.
There are worse things than these miniature betrayals
committed or endured or suspected; there are worse things
than not being able to sleep for thinking about them.
It is 5 a.m. All the worse things come stalking in
and stand icily around the bed looking worse and worse and worse.
Fleur Adcock
And here’s a photo of Sita, her sister and her Dad from the Downey photo collection, click for bigger version.
Ca fait beaucoup de temps depuis que j’ecris en francais. Le bon chose c’est qu’on ne peut pas ecrire les accents avec le clavier qwerty que j’utilise. Je crois que quand j’ecris en francais c’est plus comme espanole avec les mots subtitues. Anyroad, Le boulot etait afreux. J’en ai marre. Vraiment. Ah bugger it… i’ll get over it.
link of the day for stateside internauts: is such a useful and technologically impressive site. search for ‘book shops in santa cruz, ca’ and zoom in. marvellous. and you can drag the map around with the mouse. well handy.