Corrida de Toros

You’ll either like this. Or you won’t. Probably the latter… Use the comments to enter into the debate

Bullfighting photos with a Flash interface. Won’t work for everyone…
List of links to the photos.
Cute Overload . com to redress the balance…

Novillada en Plaza de Toros de Guadalajara

My first bullfight for the record. Still analysing my feelings on whether to go again… It’s a tricky one. I really enjoyed it on the one hand and feel there’s tons to learn about the long history and culture of the bullfight, on the other hand it does have many barbaric moments. But as a carnivore it would be hypocritical to condemn it. Before yesterday I’d never seen an animal die. Let alone 6 huge beasts in a row at extremely close quarters…

On a lighter note, “Olé” is pronounced differently in Mexico. In Spain it’s oh-LAY whereas here it’s OH-lay.


  1. Huge Fearnley-Whittinstall (River Cottage) has been doing a series here confronting the average punter with the real origins of their food and the conditions it may have grown in (assuming animal not veg.) Makes you think and be a bit more rational…
    Super photos anyway- not easy with presumable fast action in the distance at toimes and with a fixed place to film from.
    Don’t >think

  2. ….sentence was supposed to end ‘I would be able to watch live- yet have watched on tv. Irrational, eh?

  3. I know what you mean, dad.

    It sort of depends whether you view culture and sport as something intrinsic to life which should exist even if it causes suffering to a few animals. With fox hunting, I'm against it, but more because of the upper class gits that do it than the suffering it causes. You can live without meat, and you can live without culture and tradition, but what kind of life is that? It's just finding a level you can live with I suppose.

    And that programme sounds like grim viewing, I'll see if it's bittorrentable anywhere. I'm all for people knowing the origins of their food.

  4. Those are pretty good pictures, indeed. And I’m glad you went to the toros, as it’s definitely an important part of Mexican culture—by this time you should be able to give me lessons on mexicanity 🙂

    That said, I hope this is my last exposure to the stupid fiesta brava, at least for this year.

    Yeah, I can’t stand it. I’m also a carnivore and all, but you don’t inflict pain to an animal just for effing *fun*. That’s just wrong. I’m probably reneging the cultures of both my native Mexican and Spanish ancestries, and that probably makes me a bad person or something… but this particular bit of ancestral cultural heritage, well, sucks. Big time.

    There’s this Colombian bullfighter, pretty good one as far as I know, “César Rincón”. That’s his real name. So I routinely receive email for the maestro matador, praising him on his last faena or asking for autographs and stuff. So I have to return it politely, trying hard to keep the I HATE THIS IDIOTIC AND NASTY BULLFIGHTING SHIT DON’T YOU EVER DARE CONGRATULATE ME AGAIN FOR STICKING A KNIFE IN A LIVING THING JUST FOR KICKS AND I HOPE YOUR NEXT BULL POKES ITS HORNS IN YOUR ASS SO WE ALL SEE HOW WELL YOU LIKE THAT down a bit… I’m certain I did some really nasty stuff in a previous life, and I’m paying for that now, heh 🙂

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