Damn, it’s quiet round Guanatos way

Seems like everyone’s gone or is going to the beach. Anyroad, not complaining, I’ve had my fair share of holidays of late. Still waiting for various projects to materialise. Next week should be busy if the people who’ve said they’ve stuff for me to do give me stuff…

So today I played a lot of Scrabble, getting back in the 1000s again. There’s a shake-up of the SOWPODS (UK/international -USA version) allowed words in a month or so so that’s going to throw me off for 100_2638a bit if they mess with my 2-letter words. I’d like to put in a request for “Zot”, Sita assures me it’s the sound anteaters make and it must have been an oversight when they wrote the dictionary.

Also got inspired by a comment on this flowery photo saying that they look like Trollz so I did meself a photoshopped hybrid monstery thing:


And also I started buggering around with the e-commerce plugin for wordpress. Seems alright, i’m having some issues with permalinks and .htaccess, but nothing insurmountable. They hard part is thinking of products. Vaguely considering some framed photography with frames from Tonala. Very, very much in progress here don’t be surprised to see an illegible mess…
And if things stay quiet this week, then I’ll be rejigging this blog page yet again, cos I can’t get it to display right in (accursed, plagues be upon it) IE 6.

Also planned this week, making a bit more of an effort to find Jesus in San Martin de los Flores on Friday. This time I’ll have a map…

Other stuff… Spanish phrase of the week, courtesy of the taxi driver from the airport: Una lluvia mojapendejos. A type of rain that only idiots* would get wet in. Ie. short and sweet.

* insert regional slang of choice here. Twunt for example…


  1. Today’s Grauniadhas an article saying Mexico DF has emptied itself- except for four artificial’beaches’ they’ve created like the one in Paris. And who is ‘Sara Wilson’ commenting politically on your blog??

  2. Hi Dad, yep I read about them yesterday in the Informador (“Doorman Fir” is the best anagram I can come up with…) Think I’d prefer the beach to chilling in chilangolandia on 2 inches of sand though…

    Sara Wilson appears to be a prolific spammer linking to her spammy spam blogger spam accounts, and as such has had most of her posts deleted cos round at AgaveWeb we don’t tolerate such black hat spammy tactics. Unless you’d like a link exchange…

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