
SFTLOP (Sorry For The Lack Of Posts) this week, I’ve been busy and then some. Several translations, proof readings, Santa Cruz’s latest drive to get people fit, other site updates and wooing potential clients have been keeping me out of mischief. That and the CRUSHING heat… Only 6-8 weeks or so to the rainy season and it can’t come soon enough…

I’ve watched a few more films this week, Pixar’s Cars, The Curse of the Yellow Flower, and last night, once again, Herbie- Fully Loaded. Reviews coming when I get a chance.

Further to Annelise’s comment a while back asking about the quality of Mexican desertsdesserts *edit* I blame my English teachers in Taunton School…* . They’re great. The most common type is a creme brulee type affair called flan, and a local variation on the theme called a jericalla. Delicious. Especially when made by Hugo’s wife, Patricia…

But there’s also quite a range of other cakes and stuff prepared by local pastelerias. In the interests of investigative journalism, we grabbed some on the way home from Pasteleria OK 4 blocks from our house after an Indian meal in Goa.

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There’s a chance I’m doing a site for a local pasteleria too. I’ll take my payment in strawberry tarts.

Tonight we’re going to see Keane in concert. It’ll be a change and I know a fair few of their songs. I know they’re not everyone’s cup of tea but there’s a fair few of us going and it’ll be a laugh. I’m prepared for it to not be as good as mi Shakira all those months ago, but I’m ready to be surprised.

Two days to the Tapatian Photo Tour, 1pm Saturday starting in La Cava, Pino Suarez and Herrera y Cairo, details here

I’ve added another bell/whistle to the blog. If you’re commenting for the first time (go on, you know you want to), you receive an email thanking you and inviting you back. I’m not sure if it’s working, so if you’re new to these pages or have been lurking for years without commenting, try it out and let me know if it’s operational. Thanks 🙂 I found out about the comment-relish plugin via the good people at the WordPress podcast .

Dad’s posted some great Grandma pix over at Flickr. I keep thinking of happy times with my grandparents and might just write another post on those one of these days.

And that’s all for now. I’m signing off and moving my computer to a cooler room, it’s 9:45 am and the sun’s starting to leak into my office. Even Atticus has sloped off into better ventilated rooms…


  1. Hi,
    Thanksfor the dessert pics. You know I did a double take at the ‘Indian meal from Goa’!
    My last weekend on call in the NHS… wish me luck!

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