Dog’s water bowl lens

Plan A was to take a high ISO shot with a very fast shutter speed of this breaking when I chucked it at the concrete, but I decided I wasn’t well coordinated enough to pull it off. Plan B was to hold it aloft like a mighty jewel and shoot the sun’s rays glinting off its imperfections. Behold, plan B.


  1. Thanks Jenster, is it cold/sunny enough round your way for a similar pic?

    It’s cheap, Steven, but doesn’t last long 😉

    jajajaj, Fer, andale, sí le gustaría el té pero no quiero que se acostumbre a la vida fina.

  2. Jenster, put a bowl of water in the freezer now, and when the sun comes out (in April, maybe) you’ll be ready 😉

    I actually did that, Steven, but it weren’t too impressive. Here you go:

    Ah sí, mayavilla? Sigues bizco? jaja 😀

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