Dumb and Dumber

PahrumpPahrump, Nevada is where one of Sita’s aunts set up shop a couple of years ago. It’s basically a weird martian landscape with scattered casinos, incongruous golf courses and enormous industrially air-conditioned houses with gardens full of gravel and cacti (see photo). Anyroad, this article on a new law they just passed banning foreign flags does not bode well for its political future. Reminds me of when the kids in my Spanish class in California told me off for having flags from Spain, Chile, Mexico and the UK but not the stars and stripes. They’re only flags for christ’s sake…

Meanwhile, in Wales… Dragon Sausages must contain dragon meat. Normal sausages don’t have to be called Mechanically Recovered Offal and Rusk Bangers. Yet.

One Comment

  1. Tried looking on Flickr for ‘Fforestfach’ and found photos of the ‘ffatri tatws’ (prob’y miss-spelled) otherwise known as the crisp factory.
    Not sure if they do them in dragon flavour. What about a drink of Idris for that?
    We got back from the party 2-30 this am and drove back to TS 10-30 to do a quick orienteer on Cothelstone Hill and shortly off for a Jed walk. Some piccies may follow.

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