Going Wells Fargo in Banamex

Alas, we’ve come to the end of out initial lump rent payment of 5 months + deposit, so I had to go to the bank and pay April’s installment. First off, my (may very bad things happen to them) Wells Farrago card wouldn’t cough up enough money to cover it so I was forced to use my offshore Barclay’s card, but even that wouldn’t give me enough. I hightailed it over to another bank with my WF card and it gave me just enough that I could pay the rest with my remaining 40 dollars in my wallet. All this is happening on a very hot afternoon and involves crossing an 8 lane carriageway to move between banks… Anyway, I take a number and wait my turn (40 minutes) to change my remaining dollars, hand over the cash and pay the rent. When it’s my turn at 3:50 I go up to counter number 3 please, and say “well first I need to change these dollars”. And she tells me they don’t do that after half past three. I have this reaction in banks where the red mist comes down and I can barely suppress my anger. I managed not to swear too much and just pointed out how displaying this piece of information could save people a lot of time in the future and she agreed. It’s not her fault, I suppose… but you can choose where you work, same with traffic wardens, immigration officials and Nazi stormtroopers…

There, I’ve vented. And now on to the V for Vendetta review…


  1. A touch of the Falling Down syndrome I experienced recently at the ferry company in Bs As. Incidentally, when in Uruguay trying to book the return ticket I had a similar experience again. This time I had to return to the office 3 times!

    This is why we should all be allowed to bear arms. Or not, maybe.

  2. Sounds like when I was at uni queueing to hand in my coursework on the due date, when the deadline was reached they put the shutter down, put out the “late box” and everyone still queueing had to put their work in that, at which point the highest it could score would be a minimal pass. I complained to the Dean and he didn’t care how long I’d been queueing – I still hadn’t handed it in at the desk before it closed. GRRRRR!

  3. Hey Fuzzy,

    I hear that you’re poppin’ by the hood later on. Word! Keep the chubbly ball of black fur far away from us…but don’t be player hatin’, ya’ hear? Me and snowball are preppin’ for nuzzle time. Catch U later.

    I’m out,

  4. I'm starting my falling down breathing techniques right now before crossing the border this evening. I'm sure the INS peeps will be on their best behaviour though. Who wouldn't be happy to be working late Friday night in LAX?

    Anyroad in 9 hours times I'll be seeing our jive-talking rabbits again if all goes according to plan…

  5. Srtange lives your menagerie lead. And I’m sure atticurse is a perfect companion to two out-of-work conies..
    Don’t dis them..

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