Guess who I’m going to see in concert in October…

To use a Californianism, I’m totally psyched! I’ve been a fan for quite a while. Guadalajara’s suddenly getting world class concerts. There was The Strokes the other day, and Franz Ferdinand, Slayer. And soon, Lila Downs, Julieta Venegas and er, Toto, coincidentally enough. Ooh, what to wear?

Here’s some photos from this afternoon’s wanderings round Zapopan with Victor, Jana & Megan. If you’re in the area and fancy seeing some world class photography of the low points of 2005/06 then the exhibition on now at the MAZ is highly recommended… The slideshow below uses a new fangled javascript thing, fingers crossed…

A slide show will appear here shortly.


  1. Very jealous- Shakira’s a great singer.
    ‘estoy enloqueciendome’ (as she sings) that I’ll not be there.
    PS slideshow worked but only after a reload. Don’t know why..

  2. you’ve got to be kidding me…so jealous! try to sneak your camera in for me and snaps some closeups…real close!

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