Hallowe’en in PDX
It’s 8pm, I rarely post in the evening, but I’m hiding out in the basement…
Luckily I had the foresight to nip to the supermarket and stock up on skittles, kitkats and starburst (coincidentally, all the sweets I like) a few hours ago… Boba Fett Jr, some Princess or other and Batman are among many others that have been round our house this evening. Atticus was initially apoplectic that so many strangers were wandering the streets after dark and daring to approach the threshold of his realm. He seems more resigned now. I know the feeling.
DrSita’s in Denver at the minute. I’m picking her up from the airport at midnight tonight. I just texted her to say I can’t get the hang of this gringo tradition thing. By the third visit, I realised I was doing it wrong and you don’t say “Good luck” to a five-year-old. You say “Happy Halloween” (no apostrophe, ‘cos we’re in America). And the stress is on the ‘a’… “Hálloween”, not “Hallowéen” (UK)…
Anyroad, have a collage of some of my latest Through the Viewfinder shots of some skellingtons from Mexico. And if you’re feeling particularly masochistic, wade through my latest pix of a walk round Peter Kerr Park down the road. I spent a while thinking up some decent puns for some of the titles.

This is the most original Halloween / Day of The Dead shot I’ve seen this year… love those 9-square borders!
lloraaaar y lloraaaar hehe
This gringo tradition thing, oh well. I kind of like the Dia de muertos better but just because. Did you ever go to Patzcuaro and all those places on Dia de Muertos? it was so cool!
Cheers Mark! The collage thing is one of the new bells and whistles in Picasa 3… Your photos go from strength to strength. I also admire your consistency in posting, you’re an inspiration to us all 🙂
Hola Ale! I’m with you, Dia de los Muertos is sooo much better. All I could think of yesterday was spending the night in graveyards in Tzintzuntzan, Michoacan which was one of the most magical experiences I’ve ever had. I was just learning how to use my new camera back then so the photos aren’t that impressive, but they jog my memories. Rodar y rodar 😀