Holy crap!
Sita is back and she’s brought more than a few freebies. We’re probably going to be okay for tequila for a couple of months… the photos are being uploaded as I write, they will eventually be viewable here I’ve been green with jealousy the last few days and these photos seem to confirm my worst suspicions…
I’m off with me camera to the baratillo market. Might shove some photos up later. had a quick skype with my family this morning. Everyone’s looking well. Mum and Dad went to Llangynidir yesterday and Dad’s been putting his *edit* 360 270 or so degree photos up on his website. I’m going to have to look into making one of these: Brecon Waterfalls
What some people will do in the name of research and field work. Shameless I call it!
Actually I’ve yet to actually do a 360 degreee, so the present examples have an ugly jump in them. However I’ve started trying ones that are joined vertically as well as horizontally- gives weird perspective effects.
I LOVE tequila, so if you’re popping back to blighty can I please place an order with you? For cash of course! 🙂
I’ll be sure to give you a couple of weeks notice if I ever make it back to the UK, Flash. What’s your favourite brand? Sita recommends the 100 US dollar per shot “4-5-6” she tried last Thursday…
even ghetto bunnies know that the good shizzle is tequila “3, 4, 5” and not “4, 5, 6”