Hungry, hungry
What with us moving to New York in the near future, here’s a shot from our garden while we still have one. Matey here is crawling across a solar-powered light that we have in the tree there. A lot easier to photograph than butterflies…
I love the colors. Almost surreal. 🙂
this is crazy cool
Bella foto del bello azotador 😉
"-¿Qué tienes ahí?
-Un gusanito.
-¿Con que lo mantienes?
-Con pan y quesito.
-¿Con que le das agua?
-Con un botecito.
-¡Lo mataremos!
-Ay ! No, pobrecito"
Can someone tell me why that alien is crawling on the outside of a spaceship headed for the green nebulae "Gwyngon 5" in the Digitus Sector? Beautiful though, as it passes near the gas giant Bokeus Pentor and it’s moons.
I feel and "H" growing on my forehead now. (British Comedy reference there folks.)
Brilliant and scary at the same time!
love this. are those the real colours or did you play with them?
sparrowswench, willard~beach~girl, John_Gs_Photos: Thanks!
Abuela: ¿Azotador? Mi diccionario me dice que es mexicano para oruga. Gracias por la clase, Abue! Nos vemos 🙂
digitalanalog: Blimey, Red Dwarf has had a lasting effect on some of its viewers… Thanks for the flight of fancy, DA!
stjerne: They’re not far off the reality. Black levels are up a bit, and there’s in-camera colour-enhancement too. 30 seconds of post, max, so… Yes, I tinkered 😉
me encantaaa
love red dwarf, and this photo