I got the job
Although I’d earn more money signing up for unemployment benefit in the UK I’m going to take the job. It’s a seriously cool little company and I’d get to learn all kinds of editing skills, travel making documentaries about Mexico and do background research on projects. I’d meet interesting people, artists and the like. Maybe there’s a book in it when I get round to writing thinking of an idea for my novel… I’d get to play with toys like High Definition cinematography cameras, professional digital cameras, & video and audio editing suites. And probably the coffee machine too. I’ve got 3 hours to decide for sure, so if anyone knows of any impediment comment now or forever hold your peace. Me Mum’s already weighed in in favour so there we go… Shall have to start brushing up on my Mac skills.
In other news, it looks like the UK’s taking yet another leap towards being a totalitarian police state. There’s already more CCTV cameras per capita in the UK than any other country in the world. I give it 2 years before face recognition technology is integrated into the system. I can’t believe this is the first I’ve heard about it and not through The Guardian, but sterling multiperson blog, BoingBoing.net. Here in Guadalajara querida y linda, it’s only foreign embassies and pop stars who can afford CCTV. But there’s an armed security guard for every bank/bureau de change/jewellers so that’s reassuring…
and Ian if you’re telling the truth in your email and really heading for pinche Guanatos with family in tow, y no nos honras con tu ilustre presencia, pues ya lo cagaste, guey.