If you’re wondering

about the distinct lack of blogging of late, the blame lies with www.viveajijic.com now with less lorem ipsum and more English… Click on the pinche US of A’s flag for a preliminary English translation of the jewel of Lake Chapala’s premier events listing service… I’m chuffed with the guestbook and gallery. I’m also planning on having javascript see what language settings your computer has and sending you to the appropriate page. I’d really appreciate it if you could comment whether the photo gallery page works since I’ve had problems with simple viewer and cross browser compatibility before now. There should be 30 or so photos popping up to click on. Thanks in advance 😀

Coming soon to these agave/paint/bunny-filled pages, reviews of: Spanish film: Crimen Ferpecto (The Ferpect Crime), United 93 (Truly distressing ‘entertainment’), and if tonight goes as planned, ‘Good Bye and Good Luck’ which has only just come out in Mexico. Also a bit more info on Pocilga Fest 2006 from last Sat.

Lastly, I’m well happy with a new Flickr toy that “Hockneyizes” your photos. Here’re a couple:

Hockneyised II


Also considering a jaunt back to the UK in early December, anyone around then?


  1. Works fine here. There shouldn’t be cross browser issues as it’s all in Flash, but maybe issues arise if someone has say Flash 7 player and you’ve authored it in Flash 8. You need to do a detection script and not allow access to people with anything less than version 8, otherwise it might load but some script will fail and cause weird things to happen.

  2. Ta, Ed. It should redirect anyone with less than Flash 6, but me dad and jose complained once when I used it that only one picture came up… So I’m hoping they’ll weigh in on it.

    How were the Peruvian elections? Any of the candidates taking chances with outré British graphic designers? Or are they going with the tried and tested Indeliverable Promise + Moustachioed Weirdo + Primary Colours approach?

  3. Works fine here and looks good.
    Not sure what the Mexican significance of flying flags and banners upside down might be….
    We look fwd to seeing you at this end or yours before too long…
    Globetrotter-Ed seems to be having a ball too…

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