In two minds

I’ve spent more and more time deleting comment spam and blocking IP addresses of late than I’d care to. The program I use to make this blog is called GreyMatter and it’s starting to creak of late. However, because it was old it was fairly easy to customise…
Since I got a WordPress blog with my agaveweb site, I’ve been trying to customise that too and I think I’ve got it more or less how I want it. No more online craps for me, hopefully… However, I’m still not quite ready to update all the links to this blog to go to yet. Also, it’s taken me the best part of 3 years to earn my 4/10 google page rank and I’m loathe to leave it behind and start from scratch. When I change over there’ll be all kinds of warnings first. Have a look at how it is now. I’ve tried to make it look like this page does now (how’d you like the new Viva Mexico colours?, by the way), but it’s got a few extra features like search, tags and all kinds of RSS. And writing entries should be a lot more straightforward…

Stay tuned…