It’s the end of the month, that means it’s time for monthly search stats

Bunnies are still the #1 searched for item, but ‘banana slugs’ have fallen 6 places to number 8, maybe cos it’s so easy to find them out in the wild this month. Sita’s googled herself 5 times… same as last month (incidentally, she’s Sita from now on, so potential employers don’t find this page). ‘Collage idle’ is a new one on me, i’m thinking that maybe some country has a “College Idol” program running (like American Idol or Pop Idol) and the audience can’t spell. bunnycam’s gained in popularity, shame it hasn’t been working for 6 months or so now. a “brit of trivia” is also a new entry. did you ever notice i spelled absorption wrong in the title of this blog? well, it’s a deliberate ploy to get traffic from other spelling-challenged internauts. Two hits for schipperke blog… and I hope the people searching for “the photos you’re not supposed to see” weren’t disappointed when they arrived on whatever page they got to. Still waiting for a googlewhack. you’d think ‘schipperke atticus’ would do it, but there’s 127 hits… Anyroad, those numbers in full:

1 20 16.53% bunnies
2 11 9.09% collage idle
3 5 4.13% s*rita gayt*n
4 4 3.31% bunnycam
5 4 3.31% serena.jpg
6 3 2.48% fisher family photos
7 2 1.65% a brit of trivia
8 2 1.65% banana slugs
9 2 1.65% blog gwyn
10 2 1.65% brit of trivia
11 2 1.65% family familia
12 2 1.65% herbivores
13 2 1.65% london pix
14 2 1.65% schipperke blog
15 2 1.65% self absorbtion
16 2 1.65% slugs
17 2 1.65% summary of the novel klepto
18 2 1.65% the photos you’re not supposed to see
19 2 1.65% valerie quandt
20 1 0.83% ‘denise dunning

and 40% of browsers use Firefox. If you’re not using it yet, you’re really missing out. I’d sooner go back to dial-up than IE. Don’t make me choose though…

Other news: Monarchs: 21 Coffeetopia: 29