I’ve officially given up on the Tapatian Scrabble Association

They weren’t there again today. Sod it. I’m going to organise my own club, that can be my new year’s resolution. I’ll be 32 next year and if that’s not the age when one should settle down and start thinking about organised Scrabble, when is the right time?

Got my guitar back from “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” workshop downtown. It’s sounding fine again. I bought a high E string in San Juan de Dios and promptly broke it after trying to tune the guitar too high. They gave me another and threw in a polishing for nowt. Took a couple of photos of the shop, which looks the part. I’d not trust them with one of my more expensive guitars, mind…

HPIM0011b HPIM0010


  1. Je ne sais pas pour le scrabble, mais je sais que les mots croisés m’ont beaucoup aidé pour apprendre l’anglais et l’allemand – pas seulement les mots, mais aussi la mentalité. L’allemand est très encyclopédique, l’anglais mélange de nonsense et de logique, le français tout en jeu de mots. En est-il de même pour le scrabble ? A voir.

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