…long commute. Definitely taking the bus tomorrow.
Atticus made it through the day without problems (pending reports from neighbours), so to celebrate we´re off for a walk.
Meanwhile, does your computer screen need cleaning? *Edit* that link’s not working any more. Try this one for a variation on the theme.
hey, thank you! now I just need a paper sheet to end the job 😉
ay pobrecito- trabajo siempre trabajo….
PS your CAPTCHA warns of ‘worng’ code if you get it wrong.
qué mamón esta eso de necesitas limpiar tu pantalla?
de donde sacas tanta mamada
yaaaaaaaaaa, qué estas fumandoooooo
por cierto carga una foto tuya en mi blog de la propaganda, espero no te importe
dije cargué no carga, perdón…
I’m sure Taco could help, Mario 🙂
If you get the CAPTCHA wrong you’d probably not notice, Dad
Mamadas’R’Us, JosE, y mis fotos son tus fotos. Luego le echo un vistazo a las propagandas nuevas, a ver si la vida sana te esta ayudando…