Los cumplio in style

Blimey. Quite a weekend. Sita & Tanya’s b-day party on Saturday was extremely well attended by with tons of lovely people dropping by. barbysitasbdayNo dancin’ till 3 am this time round, just campfire songs in the garden. DSCF7656I recently let the neighbours know we’re moving so they’re probably counting the days, just like us. There’s photos to come. Anyroad, Breakfast on the wharf the next day; we got there at 11:31 and just missed the breakfast menu, almost prompting a Falling Down type reaction from Matt if not everyone. We had clam chowder, prawn cocktail salad and suchlike, then watched sea lions and starfish for a bit. Starfish aren’t fish, so what are they? Sits reckons they’re stars. A quick google for ’starfish’ and ‘phylum’ yields: Echinodermata… Not something we’d’ve worked out on our own on Sunday morning…santacruzwharf
Then off home for a DVD marathon of the first series of Peep Show and further barbecuing with Monica and Daniel, a whistlestop tour of Santa Cruz by night with cocktails in Red. Kill Bill 1 & 2, and bed before you knew it.
Today was sedate, and now I’m at work unable to work. Definitely need a good night’s sleep- there’s going to be quite a lot going on as I try and pass on the tricks of the trade to various people in the next 4 (FOUR! FOUR! FOUR! FOUR! FOUR!) days. Alrighty, cannot think right now, time to head home. ‘Tis Tanya’s birthday today and we’re off out for a quiet drink later on maybe that’ll clear things up a bit. or not.DSCF7660

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