More reasons to cancel your cable…

Colbert on Demand
All Family Guy episodes

and, of course YouTube…

It looks like I won’t be able to take me camara to the Shakira concert, sorry Tewbewks. I wrote a comment in this bloke’s blog because he’d put up some photos he’d taken in the Arena. He kindly wrote back saying they almost certainly won’t let camaras in and since I’ll have nowhere to put me camara if they decide not to let it in, I’m not going to risk it.

Yesterday was another stocking up on DVDs day: Season 1 of Arrested Development (never seen it, but been recommended it many times), Nacho Libre (a better quality version, the last one was nigh on unwatchable), Edmond (David Mamet directed stuff with William H. Macy) and Old Boy. Javier came round and we watched Old Boy last night. T’was excellent (4.5 Lulus), it’s a Korean take on the Count of Montecristo and then some. Bloke gets locked up for 15 years for no reason then has 5 days to find out why/who/etc. Can’t really do it justice right now, but I might manage a review one of these days.