Moving countries isn’t as easy as it’s cracked up to be…
I think I mentioned what a grand job we did of getting rid of our belongings, but there’s still lots to do. Coupled with waiting/working on stuff for GoJoven and Triangle Speakers we’ve been a tad busy of late. Luckily I have my trusty new laptop to slice through webwork with. It’s got this lovely xbrite technology screen so I’ve been browsing through old photos and they look like they’re on a lightbox. It rocks.
In other news I found out this morning (thanks Suw and Liz) that there was a general tsunami warning active for an hour last night after a 7.2 earthquake off of Northern California. We were barbecuing shrimp and steak, drinking sierra nevada and working our way through Joss Whedon’s (superlative deleted) Firefly series. I think the first thing I’d grab would have been… I’ll have a think about that one… My instincts want to say the beautifully barbecued shrimp, but let’s not be hasty here…
Via Amy’s blog I found Pat Duffy’s campaign page. I shall link to it repeatedly to try and boost her pageranking. A nicer politician, you’ll not find. And she came to Taunton after coming up with the plan at 1am in The Spoke… PAT DUFFY 2005! or 2006 or, you get the idea. Have a picture of Pat with a painted cow in Atlanta at the American Sociomological Association Conference…