My family and other animals

Went to the zoo today with DrSita, but buggered up the directions and ended up arriving too late to meet most of the assembled L&C staff, and missed the food too. Packed the place was. It’s the last Sunday of the school holidays and it isn’t raining so any family worth their salt brought their children to Portland Zoo so they could shout things like “Can I ride the zebra” and stare into cages trying to find the animals.
As zoos go it’s not bad. They just had a baby elephant born two days ago so there was all kinds of talk about that. I learnt that Indian Elephants are called Asian Elephants in America. Though maybe they are in England too these days. I can’t be PC in both countries… The bat cave was grand though my pix didn’t come out cos I was tripodless. I might go back one day. On a school day. In the rain. Maybe the polar bears will have come out of hiding by then…
Cool. Por aca la gran cosa es que han agregado una cuario a nuestro Zoo local, hace ya como un mes de eso y segun he escuchado sigue llenisimo. Ya te llegaran fotos un buen dia de estos.
Eso! Sacale unas fotos antes de que se coman todos los peces 😀
Saludos a ti y la wera 🙂