My weekend in brief
Friday night: Sopranos x 4, TV at its best
Saturday: Designing logos for Kevin’s construction then Jose came round and we all headed off to play pool, cos it’s been a while… had a chat with me mate in New Zealand, started watching the Life Aquatic, and peacefully nodded off around 2am to awake on
Sunday: with a World Cup bbq/beers party to get going. Dramatis personae included: Sita, Ana, Jorge and Maya the Xoloitzcuintli (Mexican Hairless Dog, pictured), Jose and Fernando.
Today, monday, is best represented by a picture of my desk right now… :
Suddenly all is clear. Tengo los ojos claros..
I vote logo 3. That circular saw looks like it means business. Look for a Skype soon.
You picked the winner! is presently under construction with that self same image…
Skype whenever you fancy it, cheers!
ps. I still haven’t started on the bloody glasses. CSS in IE is giving my jip again.