New photos soon…

I’ll have to put me computer back together again though… and my desk, and Sita’s, and… you get the idea. While you’re waiting, try this test. You say which logos you recognise and it diagnoses your myriad disorders. It rightly worked out I was from the UK and had a BBC Micro obsession. And that I had gothic tendencies?… see how it works for you 🙂


  1. My lord, it knew I’m a MacIntosh junkfood and political junkie! In fact, it said to me about politics: time to stop caring!

  2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! What have I done???? Never stop caring, Pat, for the love of junk food, never stop caring… anyhoo…

    we watched Elf last night, "you sit on a throne of lies" all makes sense now- nice recommendation 🙂

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