No photography class today…

…but then at the last minute I got an email from Karla from Laboratorios Julio inviting me along to some kind of Sony camera promo thing at the same time, so that´s where I´m off in a minute. I´m also popping by a place that transfers LPs to CDs and afterwards, probably hitting a concert in aid of the Tabasco peeps who are going through a living hell right now after the floods. Them Plastiko folks are going to be there, and since I know the words to one of their songs it´ll be worth a go.


Yesterday was a national holiday, to do with revolutions and the like. So among other things I took advantage of the relatively carless streets to cruise around on a friends bike, went to McDonalds to fully engage in the essential mexicanness of the day and then, as atonement, went to see Fraude in the cinema with young Sita. A documentary all about how Lopez Obrador was robbed. Although there was an obvious bias it was still compulsive viewing and highlights just goes to show that it´s not just the gringos who know how to rig elections. Then we got interviewed by some internet radio-podcast peeps afterwards. Sita shone, and I think I said something intelligible, but it was a long day. I´ll keep an ear out for in the interweb.

Took the car in to be serviced today before the off. It´s going to cost a fair bit to fix all the little things apparently. Anyroad, got to go. Help finance the trip with our for sale page