Off to SF

Sita’s performing her ablutions, I’ve just had a chat with me folks and have been checking out the usual B3TA nonsense. And we’ll be off for a drive in a minute… Hope there’s no burglars reading. Maybe I should wait till we get back before i hit the ‘post it’ button… US/UK difference #452, collect the set: The verb ‘To burglarize’ (US), versus ‘To burgle’ (UK). Both look odd when you stare at them, but why use, sorry, utilize 3 syllables when 2 will do?

Anyroad, back to b3ta, i overestimated by about 10 quid the prices on this ‘guess the price of the Tesco Value grocery item’ game. Can’t believe the price of sliced bread. It costs an arm and a leg down the local safeway here. and tastes like sugar.

Any to any burglarizererers reading… we’ll be back at any moment and the dog will deafen you if you get near the house. then chew your foot. he may eat your toenails given half a chance. also, i’m taking my zire 72 with me so there’s nowt to steal. got that? you scoundrels…