One thing I miss about the UK are the adverts

Tango’s remade that balls-bouncing-down-a-San-Francisco-street ad with fruit. In Swansea no less, and if the website mentioned below isn’t some kind of viral marketing scam, then they’re more upset about it than the usual goings on round Town Hill, like joy-riding, drug-dealing and armed assaults…

The Community At Large » Tango Bravia Commercial

Ok after reading this paragraph the Swansea site’s a hoax:


Our next meeting will be happening on Sunday, April 9.

The main topic will be the launch of the Swansea North Yodelling Club. We’ll be taking on our friends from our twin city Güttstag Nord, Austria. We hope this is the start of an annual event celebrating two nations with great choral heritage.

We hope to see-oo-ee-oo-ee-ooooo all there!

Everyone is welcome to come. If you’d like to attend a meeting but haven’t done so before please read the Contact Us section of our site to find out how to get to St. Martha’s Parish and what’s expected of those who want to participate.

Why not learn how to yodel before you come?