Ouch. A world of pane.

This morning I got up, poured myself a cup of coffee from the machine, opened the kitchen windows and then entered a world of pain as I jammed my finger between the sliding window frames. Now I’ve got a bruise under the nail and our peas are no longer frozen. Then, cos it’s forecast to get HOT again today I went out with young ‘Cus for a walk but he kept stopping to lick his foot because he too has some kind of paw injury. So we made a detour so he could splash about in the stream and soften his little paddy paws up to get rid of the splinter or whatever. He, and I, seem much better now, though neither of us will be typing at full speed for a few days.

We did a pub quiz last night and fared miserably though I thoroughly enjoyed it. Nice atmosphere and good questions. Though three out of four of us had PhDs (and one of us had a 2:1 in Hispanic Studies from Swansea Uni…) we came last. I blame the Doctors.

Other news, still applying left right and centre for jobs. It’s slow going. The radishes I planted a few days ago have already got shoots. We’ve now got a(n) herb garden going. Going to a faculty barbecue tomorrow. Considering heading for the coast on Friday to escape the forecast 99 degree temperatures. Still haven’t worked out the new recycling rules and how to get our rubbish collected. Learnt a new song yesterday on the geetar… Modern Girl originally by Sheena Easton, revived by Camera Obscura.

One Comment

  1. Paws for refreshment?
    One of those Androcles moments. Now ‘Cus won’t eat you if you meet him next time in the Coliseum….

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