(from Instagram)

Sangrita Recipe

Sangrita Recipe

I’m sharing Pinguino Frog’s recipe for home-made sangrita (non-alcoholic drink to accompany sipping Tequila) for posterity

Para hacer un litro:

  • 3/5 de jugo de naranja…si es natural mejor…
  • 2/5 de jugo de tomate ese sí, de bote a menos que tengas extractor de jugos
  • Limón al gusto (el verde, no el amarillo)
  • 2 cucharadas de azucar
  • Pizquita de sal
  • Unos chingadazos de salsita tabasco
  • Otros tantos de salsita inglesa

Y mezclar bien y ya está con eso es tocho morocho…enjoy (jajaja)

To make a litre:

  • 3/5 orange juice… preferably natural…
  • 2/5 tomato juice- this can be from a can, unless you’ve got a juicer
  • Lime to taste (green, not yellow)
  • 2 spoonfuls of sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • A good few ‘chingadazos‘ of tabasco sauce
  • And a few chingadazos of Worcestershire sauce too

mix well, and that’s it!… Enjoy (hahaha)


tequila y sangrita



Here\’s a pic from me little iTouch camera
#sugarhouse  (from Instagram)



Here\’s a pic from me little iTouch camera
Drsita (from Instagram)

Here\’s a pic from me little iTouch camera
 (from Instagram)



Here\’s a pic from me little iTouch camera
#sugarhouse (from Instagram)