Continental drifting

Hola amigos, I know it’s been a long time since I rapped at ya but things have been moving pretty fast here in Portland, Oregon, Gringolandia…

DrSita’s been applying for positions all over the country for a while since her fellowship here was slated to finish this month. They finally got around to offering her another two years but by then she’d been interviewed and accepted a great job at a premier teaching institution in Maine… This means that our summer plans (which had been up in the air because of this whole where-are-we-living-in August? uncertainty) have been cleared up and in the last couple of weeks we’ve had to plan a trip to the UK for me, a jaunt to Brazil and Chile for DrSita and a 3,189 mile move from Portland to Portland all while resolving the “what to do with young ‘Cus during all this excitement” issue. We’re pretty happy about the move. DrSita’s job sounds really good, I’m excited to find out what Maine is all about and have a new area to photograph. I’ll also get to make a much bigger igloo this winter if I’m right about the climate. We’ll be closer to our East Coast posse of friends, and it’s been a while… And the time difference with england is only 5 hours which makes phone calls and that easier, and we’ll be time-synced with Guadalajara. Portland’s been good to us, and I’d still heartily recommend it to anyone considering a place to live. That’s if it doesn’t fill up with New Yorkers in the coming months.

On Wednesday I let my employers know that I’ll be moving on in mid-June and they’ll have to get by without my services. They’ve been really cool about it. If I’d known how many nice emails I’d get I’d’ve quit months ago… maybe not… anyroad, right now we’re transitioning to a new behemoth of a content management system for the site and I don’t think I’ve worked so hard since teaching Spanish in Scotts Valley. There are going to be all kinds of issues arising before, during and after it goes live so it’s a weird time for all concerned, and I’ll be working hard till the last moments I reckon.

Last weekend we had some friends up from Alameda (remember Alameda?) and so got to go out and enjoy PDX in the sunshine for a few days, eating out, drinking out, walking out, driving out, and all that. And now DrSita’s classes have finished we’ve been able to get out a lot more, spend time with mates who are also jumping the PDX ship and lately it’s been gorgeous and I have  a new camera…

When Gwyn & DrSita go out to eat, everyone's a winner
When Gwyn & DrSita eat out, everyone's a winner

I’m also happy the summer blockbusters have started hitting the cinemas. Star Trek was great fun and maybe tonight’ll be Terminator. We’ll see, cos today I’m at a conference and for some reason listening intently and avoiding networking makes me tired. I’m 34 you know. (btw, it’s Dr.S.’s b-day in a week’s time, folks. She’s on Facebook… ) Yesterday I saw Mark Frauenfelder there off of boingboing do a fun presentation on Making stuff and a couple of other sessions.

I’m stoked I’ve bought my tix to Bristol and back. I was tracking them and they hit the $1000+ mark because I was originally going to fly around the 4th of July weekend which is uber-high season but thanks to the new date possibilities I managed to get something of a bargain for that time of year. My folks are helping with the cost anyway, bless ’em, but still, a bargain’s a bargain. Email me for the dates. I’ll have shaken off the worst of the jetlag for Stu’n’Anne’s wedding and be back in time for packing the moving van before our lease is up.

Sita’s folks are coming up next weekend which is always fun. And there’ll be roses in the rose garden, parades and all kinds of good stuff especially if this weather holds. We’re very glad they said yes, because it’ll be a while till I see them otherwise.

Other landmark events… La Flaca got past the 100,000 views mark on YouTube. Am I famous now? And do I owe anyone royalties?

And that’s all for now. Thanks for bearing with the streamofconsciousness that was this post and for your continued readership. I’m off to “Creating Dynamic Sites with AJAX and Dreamweaver“… subject to change


Eyes right to see what’s coming soon 😀

Because I’m worth it.

Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm

I don’t have a huge amount to say about this pic that I’ve not already mentioned in my blog or facebook. Suffice to say, Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm is well worth a visit right now.

You can see the whole series on Flickr or over at me poor, semi-abandoned blog.


Before I forget how to blog completely, have an experimental embedded Flickr slideshow of my excursion to the wetter areas of Oregon yesterday.


Tastes too healthy to me, maybe with sugar I could stand it. It provides the occasional photo op though, and looks like it will be in bloom any day now…

An Easter Bonnet

Easter Bonnet
N.B. Requires UK English for pun to function...

Happy Pascua y’ustedes!

The Blossom Globe

I can’t seem to vary the subject matter lately, but I can vary the lenses. Here’s what it was like to be outside in Portland yesterday. With a sudden onset of tunnel vision.


Up at Tryon State Park this weekend there was a Trillium Festival celebrating this rare little flower that’s bustin’ out all over the woods there. The main events seemed to be childrens’ face painting, plant sale, and indoctrinating a new generation to support the Oregon State Lottery.

From Monument to Masses

We went out! Yeah, it doesn’t happen often, because of the canine logistics involved, but yesterday the stars aligned and one of DrSita’s long-lost friends from Downey was playing a gig in Portland and we managed to get our act together and go and see them. Of course, we arrived late and missed their set but it was the thought that counts… after loading their van we went for a few pints and I heard lots about what people I don’t know are doing now. But they were a well friendly bunch. Right now I’m listening to a few of their tracks and they’re a an interesting proposal. Well-produced, generally instrumental, varied time signatured digital-rock with overarching political themes… A bit Muse-ish but without the vocals. Fair play to ’em so.

Have a picture from Atticus’ walk yesterday, it’s a fair sample of what 99% of Portland looks like right now.



From a recent walk with young ‘Cus…


This is from yonks ago when I was taking photos for a primary school’s website I was designing in Guadalajara. Now they’re looking to update it as it has aged badly in the intervening 3 years… As I was looking for inspiration in my photostream I found this one and thought I’d share it.

So, er, Bill Gates is standing in the doorway

Shameless in Seattle

Atticus is still at the kennel and we’re picking him up at 6. He was the smallest dog there, I’ve been worried about him all weekend, still, I’m sure it’s character building…

Sita’s presentation went well; I’ve seen it a couple of times before (and the dress rehearsals) so I nipped out to take a few photos in the rain instead, though me camera’s on the blink again… Had a bit of a nap at the hotel then went to the top floor restaurant, had some truly dire snacks and checked for recommended nearby eateries on me iPod. It came up with the Purple Cafe and Wine Bar. Great food, good wines and if it’s good enough for Bill Gates and his posse, it’s good enough for me. If it had been more brightly lit and I’d brought another lense it’d’ve been perfect for stalking… He ordered some kind of citrussy cocktail affair, in case you were wondering. It completed the Seattle experience though. Coffee, rain and Mr. Gates, couldn’t have planned it better.

Mt Rainier from Seattle

I’m off to Seattle today. Here’s a pic from the last time I went a few months ago. Doubt it’ll be this clear today, but hope springs eternal…

Prime Blossom

This one won’t win any prizes for originality, but since I’ve been posting rainy/dark/forboding pix all week it’s time for a change. Behold! Spring comes to the Pacific Northwest.


Martin just forwarded this picture of Sally making the most of a bad situation. Last time I was in Downey Sally mentioned she wanted the trees trimming. I started pruning them with the secateurs and then Martin suggested using his chainsaw…  Long story short: them trees will never grow again. Looks like Sally & Martin have now removed the roots. Not an enviable task, it’s back-breaking work, so now they can plant lemons or limes or avocado trees.

Shovelling Sally
Shovelling Sally

Also I cut the lawn today. Spring is in the air.

*EDIT- 30-March-09*

This just in: It’s teamwork…

Hammer of the Gods
Hammer of the Gods

A slice of the forest

Once I’d climbed the steep side of the Columbia River gorge I considered any photo a bonus. When I got into the cloud/rain level I took this one. It’s not black and white. That’s just the colour of the woods…

Into the Unknown

I’m still enjoying a steady stream of traffic from Thank you all for your clicks and comments. Much appreciated.

This one is from Astoria, Oregon last week on a cold, rainy day. I was risking my camera just taking it out in the elements, but I’m happy with how this one turned out. Thanks should go to the Oregon Tourist Association for placing this info board in just the right place.

Back to life, back to reality…

Mornin’ all. Mum and Dad flew back to blighty yesterday and just rang to say they’d arrived safe and sound albeit with no hot water in the house. Atticus is at sixes and sevens searching for missing members of the household. He’s a bit more resigned now but he’s definitely going to miss his hour long ‘come-let-us-adore-him’ sessions in the morning, bracing off-lead walks around the Oregon coast and thereabouts and regular family-sized left overs.

'Bark if you're irish'
Note St. Paddy's day 'Bark if you're Irish' collar...

Yesterday I took them to the airport and then caught up on 3 weeks of missed episodes of this (The Office) that (Dollhouse) and the other (Simpsons) on It’s a well handy resource that hulu, though I’d swap it in a heartbeat for full access to the BBC’s iPlayer. I also went to the cinema and saw Gran Torino, which I thoroughly enjoyed and I’m not a Clint fan usually. Gangs are bad and grumpy old veterans are redeemable it appears. Watchmen last week rocked, no matter what anyone tells you.

Today I’m hard at work and catching up on my various social networks. Facebook has reinvented itself in my absence by removing all kinds of useful options like see more/see less of this person’s updates, and “What are you doing” is now “What’s on your mind”. If you’d like to see what’s on my mind and don’t do facebook, my statuses go to the lifestream page here. I still can’t get the hang of twitter. I’d like an option where you can see a day’s activity in one place including both sides of any conversations and in chronological order of the conversations, rather than the present ‘reverse’ view. There’s probably some kind of web app that’ll do that, but I’m not there yet.

Thanks to one of Maryl‘s updates I’m discovering Emiliana Torrini, an italian/icelandic singer songwriter who lives in Brighton. Lovely stuff.

And finally, has featured my little blog as their photoblog of the week which is quite an honour, considering the level of quality over there. Can I interest you in an email subscription?