tequila field of agaves jalisco mexico

Moving to Mexico

I just got asked to write a bit about our time in Mexico for a blog on “Learning to Live in Mexico“. Here’s what I wrote:

What prompted you to move to Mexico?

My wife’s a sociology grad student and is writing her PhD dissertation on “How Tequila became Mexico’s national drink”. Her research naturally led us to Jalisco, Mexico, home of Tequila and also the place we met 10 years ago when I was studying as part of my undergraduate degree in Spanish. We thought we’d only be there for a year but managed to extend the stay after she won various grants and scholarships.

What was the biggest thing you had to adjust to in Mexico?

street vendor young child
Kid selling chicle, cigarros, dulces…

To be honest, I feel just as comfortable in Mexico as where I grew up in the UK or have lived in the US, if not more so. It’s actually quite hard to think of anything that really needed adjusting to.

Witnessing levels of poverty absent or hidden in other countries, like kids of 7 selling chewing gum on the streets or flowers in bars late at night is something you never fully get used to and there are constant reminders of the huge divides and contrasts of a modern Mexican city like Guadalajara. That would be the major thing, and everyone has their own way of assuaging their first-world guilt.

On a more prosaic level though, some people take a while to get used to the food, I never had any problems and ate food from street vendors almost every day (the trick is to look for places with queues of locals). Drinking bottled water was new to me and having the water guy deliver gallon bottles every few days was odd at first but it’s not exactly life-changing. Driving can be tricky at major intersections, but despite Guadalajara’s ever rising levels of traffic, it’s still nowhere near as dangerous/ frustrating as it is getting from A to B in the SF Bay Area. Paying tolls to use decent motorways does take some adjusting though. If you’re planning a long journey you’ll need a lot of cash handy to pay the tolls for the extremely modern, well-equipped roads. However you can plan ahead with a handy new web tool from the Transport Department’s website that tells you how much the charges will be.

If you had to leave Mexico and go back to your old lifestyle what would you miss most?

The people. A more welcoming, genuine, friendly and fun bunch of people you’d be hard pressed to find. I was welcomed into many homes, shown so many local events, foods, drinks, sights. Everyone has ideas of what to see, where to go and also show an interest in where you’re from and your own culture. I already had a few good Tapatian (from Guadalajara) friends when I arrived, but met many new people who still keep in touch 5 months after we left, offering us places to stay on our next visit (hopefully soon).

I also miss pay-as-you-go cell phones… you buy your fichas (credits), use them, recharge them. The way things should be… None of this dollar a day use it or not malarkey…

Juan de Bonafont
Juan de Bonafont, our trusty water deliverer for 3 years straight

What advice would you give to someone considering moving to Mexico?

Make an effort to meet people & learn Spanish. There are all kinds of classes, events, forums and suchlike where you can make your stay infinitely more fun. I met a ton of people via the photo sharing site flickr.com and went on phototours with them to places off the beaten track with local guides and had a great time in cantinas and bars afterwards talking about Mexico and photography. There are also ex-pat sites such as chapala.com where you can meet folks, learn about local events and ask questions. Blogging and commenting on other people’s blogs is also a great way to make your friends at home jealous and a good way to meet folks in the area. I also signed up for seminars and classes on computing (PHP) and photography which were great for meeting people and learning useful things.

Also, buy a cell/mobile phone on day one. It’ll set you back about 40 bucks then you just recharge it with credits. It’ll be handy for not getting lost, enquiring about housing/accommodation, keeping in the loop with friends about what’s happening, meeting people, being ready for any transport breakdowns and all the usual… You name it…

Above all though, move on from considering moving to Mexico and just DO IT!

Need more persuading? Here’s a post on my Top 7 things to do in Guadalajara.

El Genio de Elias

Hover your mouse over the above image to see Elias‘s beautiful watercolour rendering of my butterfly pic. And if you’re feeling brave, click through and leave a comment in Spanish 😉

I wish I could draw.

Landmark scrabble moments part XXXI

I’m chuffed when I score over 400 in a scrabble game. In this game the tile fairy came up trumps and I got zincs on a triple with the z on a double letter netting me 110 odd, then a couple of bingos. My tiles are blue… Final score: 504

landmark scrabble moments part XXXI

Dubious words include: goral, maes, skaw and ala, but they’re all valid.

This blog’s been a bit abandoned of late more due to an overload of work and little time to update it but in brief, saw Carrie Fisher’s show Wishful Drinking last Thursday. I hope to get round to a review. Not impressed would be the gist of it, but at least she put on the Danish pastry wig and recited the Help me Obi Wan Kenobi ‘monologue’… Almost finished Life on Mars series II and am looking forward to Ashes to Ashes. We’re off to Portland for a bit and have found a dog/housesitter. Yahoo!’s on and off… And some new sites to show off coming soon. Hasta pronto!



There’s plenty of clumps of Pampas Grass growing in Alameda, CA. But I can’t for the life of me remember how this one was lit…

Gnarls Barkley… I Love Mary

My latest favourite song:

I don’t know if it’s a cover, a single or anything, but it’s catchy and fun. Fair play to ’em.

Other news in brief, Friday was tequila tasting, Saturday wine tasting, today 2nd hand camera lense testing & catching up with a mate from GDL. In between all that I’m upgrading blogs to the fancy new 2.5 wordpress platform and getting my photoblog off the ground again with a different taxonomy and some ajaxy goodness. Shall announce it soon enough. Back to Y! mañana, but I’ve found a few shortcuts to get there and back quicker…

Chez wig-leaf

Quick post before the weekend… a lot of readers of this blog probably already know Scott and Becky. If you’ve found the time to check up on my latest posts over here, you may also wish to spend time over Scott’s site, Wigleaf.com which is rapidly becoming the place to publish your microfiction and chameleon car videos.

Happy Easter in a day or two, and have a picture of the blossom from the cherry tree outside in the interim…


Cow magnets

Flash recently alerted her readers to the existence of cow magnets. Which I think is delightful. I’m pondering ordering the Bessie Bovine explains all educational package (ages 6 and up)… Nothing worse than Hardware Disease… particularly relevant for Michael Eavis and his surfeit of tent pegs apparently.

So yesterday we wandered over to Berkeley Marina, a place I’d been before back in the dark old days as a NGO program manager for various conferences. It was nice to reclaim it as a site for walking and photography rather than learning about sustainability and human resources. We wandered along the lengthy pier and then had a Flip This House marathon evening with the remains of Meg’s surplus wine from the night before.


This morning we helped shift a few boxes for T’s move-in over in Oakland and discovered the delights of Zachary’s pizza and I had my first ever go on a Nintendo Wii. This afternoon, we’ll probably get out to enjoy the sunshine somewhere local and stockpile vitamin D for the deskbound coming week.

In Taunton’s local rag, The Gazette, there’s a first for local small-town journalism. At the time of writing, they managed to publish a headline for an Easter Extravaganza without resorting to spelling it Eggstravaganza. Which I think is laudable and without precedent. Maybe they’re moving upmarket or have just hired a new staff writer…

Santa Cruz Redwoods 2008


Sita bumped her foot in the middle of the night somehow and wasn´t up for driving to SCruz, so I chauffeured. Here´s a 3 shot panostitch of the redwoods. Click the pic for different sizes. I´m considering printing this poster-sized.

Office 2007…

Yeah, this is an advert for Microsoft, but it’s funny and stars Amy Sedaris…

Office 2007 is a pretty good product too…

Dog is my copilot


This photo still looks a little odd to me, having learnt to drive on the right side of the car… Also, please note the cleanliness of his fur after a visit to his usual L.A. stylist.

Made it back in from LA a couple of hours ago. Lovely to see the in-laws as always. Also on the way down all the thousands of acres of fruit trees (cherries? apricots? peaches? ) were in blossom and it was stunning. 2 days later and there was less of it, but Sita was driving so I could wave my camera at them. The less blurred ones are over at Flickr.


Also I liked the art display on our traditional visit to the 99 cents store,


Gursky’s photo there sold for $3.3 million a few years ago.

Politically active parents

I read this article this morning in me RSSes but failed to notice a picture of me dad in it. Mum’s off to the right apparently.

I really hope they don’t shut the Kingston post office, it’d be a real loss to the village. And nowhere else sells KSM-themed key chains…

Sod it

Yesterday I went to Home Despot to pick up turf, but since it’s got a very limited shelf life they only have it in the mornings. So I had a wander round the area and took an a bunch of photos that I’m preliminarily calling “If life gives you girders, make irn-bru“. Here’s the link to the pix. And here’s my fav:


This morning I went to get the turf and practiced pronouncing the Americanese for it in the car, sod, pronounced sard. Here’s the b4 and after:

114_1742 114_1746

You may also see notice new bushy fern things which were advertised on craigslist.org for free, heather or lavender, the beginnings of a honeysuckle and solar lights which may stop working once the walnut tree gets its leaves on and casts the entire endeavour into shadow…

Daffs Continued…


I feel like I should be writing more about the Australian songstress from a few posts ago because I’m now getting about 50 hits a day with people looking for her or the lyrics to that there song, but I’m going to hold steady with more what-I-had-for-breakfast posts despite this new found popularity amongst Summery Aussie-Pop seekers.

The above picture is one of the dozens I took at the Filoli Centre on Sunday and features W. , my second cousin (I think) we finally got a chance to visit I & Y on Sunday and had a lovely time seeing Spring in full effect in the well-tended Californian version of Hestercombe.

Still exceedingly busy making an infinite number of revisions for an exciting new website, details soon… and have finally finished many pages of translation for GOJoven.

We started the 2nd series of Life on Mars last night with L & Josh and I made a cottage pie to accompany it. 70s British Cuisine at its best. If the first 2 episodes are anything to go by it’s going to be even better than the first. When ever I see DCI Hunt, I think of Mario’s description that “no tiene madre“… Storming stuff.

Atticus had an upbraiding this morning. I went to the garden centre to see how much turf cost and took him with me, on the lead obviously. I was standing in the entrance of the garden place, trying to get someone’s attention to ask whether or not they sold the stuff, when a trainee postman and his supervisor went in there. Atticus started barking at the postie, as per usual, but ‘Cus couldn’t move from next to me. And the supervisor goes “Sir, control your dog” to me. And I just looked at him trying to work out if he was joking or not. I couldn’t decide and said “You’re joking, right?” and he goes on about harassing the postal worker. And I just told him “The dog’s on a lead, I’m in a public area, and you’re having a laugh. I’m moving on, but only because life’s too short to deal with this kind of crap.” There. I’ve vented. If you can’t deal with a 25-pound dog barking at you, from 5 yards away, on a short lead, in plain daylight, I reckon you’ve chosen the wrong career path. Here endeth the lesson.

Shall probably go to Home Despot instead… because there’re less feckless posties in that one’s car park.

Dydd Gwyl Dewi hapus

Yep the 3:17 vowel-consonant ratio means it´s Saint David’s Day again. Have some daffs from the garden.
