Coffee Maker- $50

Not available till the 2nd of December 2007. (Sunday)


Painful rendition of VH’s Jump

Via BoingBoing

The Halen’s synth track was played back a semitone and half out for some reason… This is the resulting trainwreck. I’m fond of the track cos it’s in one of my favourite films, Herbie– Fully Loaded (2005).

International Tequila Seminar

que corra la voz…

sit2007_invitacion for more details…

Loved one of the latest searches that arrived at this site: “Spanish word for a stew made from hominy with pork (or other meat) chile and other seasonings and garnish such as cabbage lettuce oregano cilantro avocado radish lime juice” Some people have just not got the hang of google… It’s pozole, for the record.

You know you´re from Somerset when…

You know you´re from Somerset when…

This list is nicked off of Facebook, and was started by fellow Henry´s bar goer, Ros… Anyroad, it´ll mean nothing to 95% of the readers of this here blog but that´s never stopped me posting utter bollocks before… You know you´re from Somerset when…

… you’ve bought stationery in Bastins
….you think Bath’s a big city
… you can tell sheep from goats
… you know why to avoid Bridgwater
… you think Bristol is ‘up north’
… venturing outside of the 30 limit is just unnecessary
… chinese takeaways that deliver, what are they?
… the smell of cow sh*t makes you feel at home
… everywhere else in the UK feels cold
… you have a friend who lives on a farm
… you live on a farm
… you learnt to drive in a field or on a beach
… you live in a cottage
… your home has a thatched roof
… you think nothing of paying £20 for a 2 mile taxi journey
… you’ve been stuck behind a stupid tourist on a country lane
… you saw the total eclipse in ’99
… your local newspaper’s is ‘cow falls off bridge’
… you turned to drink, drugs or heavy metal at an early age
… your friends say you sound like a farmer
… you have nothing to do after 5:30pm
… you think pink wellies are a fashion statement
… you know how to walk over a cattle grid
… you’ve been pony trekking
… ‘short and choppy on the North coast’ makes total sense to you
… you think nothing of grass growing in the middle of the road
… everyone you meet has been to Butlins in Minehead on holiday
… despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, you think a young farmers’ disco is a wild night out
… until you went on holiday, the tallest building you had ever seen was Debenhams in Taunton
… you’ve reversed for 3 miles when you met a stubborn tourist on a country lane
… it takes you 4 times longer to drive anywhere between May and September
….you pack a thermos, shovel and blanket in the car because the HTV top story was snow forecast in Bristol
… you’re a closet fan of The Wurzels
… your second cousin is also your sister’s stepmother
… your neighbours’ average age is 76
… your best friend goes joyriding in tractors
… you can’t stand the grockles, despite living off their money
… you thought it was normal for more than 50% of your high street’s shops to be operated by charities
….Biggest story on the local TV news is a cat locked in a shed for 2 days in Yeovil
….Second biggest story, man fell off his bike in Glastonbury

To which I added:

…Your entire phone number used to have 3 digits…
…You suffer from advanced lead poisoning from eating blackberries from hedgerows throughout the 80s.
…You know mud is supposed to be reddish.
…You haven´t gone to the Glastonbury festival since they improved the security fences.
…And you still call it Pilton.
…You know that no matter what they change the name to, Bristol is in Avon. North Somerset, my arse.
…And you can´t tell the difference between your local rag and the Framley Examiner

Update! April 2012… Someone’s started one of they tumblr things about it.
If you’ve got any other you know you’re from zummerzet links or ideas, leave a comment, there’s a love. Ta :)

Oh my gourd

A pile of calabazas on the way into Ixcatan, Jalisco.


When you’re in a crowd on a religious holy day you’re limited to the photos you can take, what with constricted angles and that. However sometimes you just need a shot of two people’s backs to convey the atmosphere.

DIY Dentistry

When I’m not manufacturing press passes, I’m going to the dentist’s with alarming regularity making the most of the cheap and cheerful Mexican service before having to hightail it out of here in December… There’ve been some horror stories lately of British folks and their Do It Yourself dentistry, which makes me squirm just to think about it. The BBC has replied with a report on the pitfalls.… I’ve been there with the chewing gum missing crown solution before…

Anything to avoid making it into the Big Book of British Smiles

AgaveWeb´s Official Paparazzi at your service…

Reportero AgaveWeb a sus ordenes

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There’s a lesson for us all here. Scrub yer fingernails before taking pictures of your grubby mitts holding your freshly minted press pass… I won’t get a chance to try it out till next Tuesday at the lucha, cos today is the last day of the photojournalism seminars, tomorrow we’re off to Tequila, and on Saturday… and then on Sunday we’re off to see The Killers in concert. So fingers crossed for the lucha on Tuesday… actually I wonder if I can use it at the Killers concert… Oh the possibilities.

Pneumus- Local folk band

Member of local band, Pneumus, minus their usual son et lumiere spectacle. Playing in Bar Scratch, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Nice photography link

Improve your photography in 60 seconds. Or slightly more if English isn’t your first language. They range from the obvious to the spurious to the useful (The composition bit was handy). Anyway, just sharing the joy.

Sita’s back and a bit jet/sociology lagged, we went out to Coscafe in Chapultepec last night, which was a novelty. Nice food, youngish crowd, gabachos aplenty.

Also started the sign up for possibly my penultimate Flickr PhotoTour, to Tequila. Ah the possibilities. Talking of which, someone used a photo of mine in their blog. Always makes me happy that.

Curvas Agaveras

Am deciding between the following films while Sita has a nap, London to Brighton, El Guardaespaldas 2, Madeinusa, and Venganza de una dama, having made my weekly pilgrimage to Santa Tere market… If you subscribe to my RSS feed, are at your computer right this minute and possess lightning fast typing skills you may just influence my decision in the comments 😀


Pulque, fermented agave juice, has the consistency of watered-down phlegm and the taste of sour milk. But is strangely drinkable. Believed to have magical powers for healing and preparing for battle. Your mileage may vary. This photo’s from a family-run pulqueria near Tapalpa, Jalisco, Mexico.

*EDIT* Mumpsimum Forum peeps! First off, Welcome! Secondly, there’s a few more pix of this rustic place over at my Flickr site. Pulque tastes NOTHING like tequila but as its pre-distilled ancestor is an important part in its history and ought to be tried. Pulquerias tend to find inventive ways to serve it to make it more palatable, orange juice, chopped jicama, lime and chile being the most common in my limited experience…

Mis lentes

This bloke had managed to find a place to stand away from the several million strong throngs in Zapopan yesterday.


I can only see her spinning clockwise, anyone see her going the other way?

It’s been a busy few days, what with dining out in Providencia, Scrabble, Bar Scratch, Zapopan and a fair amount of webdesignery (San Diego Furniture, a bilingual Belgian shopping centre, that Ultrasound thing I mentioned, and updates to a site I did last year for a waterjet cutting company. Photography of a shampoo box too. And also, possible PHPery for a new Mexican design company on the horizon, something to do with virtual wedding present lists…

Today I think I’m going to be stuck at the computer right through till I pick up young Sita from the airport. Which is fine and mean I can catch up on me facebook scrabbling too. Might nip out for tacos though…



I didn’t realise the detail this bubble contained till I cropped it and zoomed in a bit. I’ve now an idea for some shots in the centre of town. Bubbles abound in Mexico. Zapopan, for the record

De bar en bar

Multicoloured bars on Dr. Atl street in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico