Two arrs uh noight, do er homework, then bout two arrs a noight…
The Zummerzet County Gazette, Taunton’s local rag is shoving the occasional video up on its website. Deathly dull each one, but 10 out of 10 for effort. So the this year’s Pullitzer for investigative journalism seems assured for “Are children watching too much TV?”…
In other news, Flickr PhotoTour #3 is in the planning stages. I’m not organising this one, I put up a poll to help Laura who’s in charge. Tlaquepaque’s looking like the favourite right now. It’s a shame, but the more imaginative suggestions were vetoed because they’ll look better after the rainy season (probably October at this rate…). Still Tlaquepaque’s got lots to offer photographically so it’s all good.
I’ve not posted since Saturday so here’s a summary: Saturday morning I walked to the Tianguis Cultural trying to find T-shirt printing shops on the way to no avail, took a few photos along the way:
Then in the afternoon went to see Spiderman III with Sita which is an overlong mess of a film, see the review here. After that, barbecued arrachera and Jose came round, then later Fernando, Ana and their dog, Tuna, whom Atticus tried to have his wicked way with. Makes a change from Jose’s leg…
Sunday, tranquilo, shopping, interwebbery, and checking out a new dvd rental place, Sala B, nearby which has a fine selection of films and no website. Yet… Grabbed An Inconvenient Truth (also reviewed) and Sita went for the truly, truly DIRE Sex and the City Season 4. One of these days I’ll publish a rant against that particular crime against good telly.
Monday, shopping for books, groceries, this that and t’other then making pizza from scratch and heading out to the airport for M and Sunny D’s triumphant return.
Today is still unfolding… websites, translations… stuff…
Out of interest does anyone reading have a Canon Rebel XTi, and if so, what’s the standard 18-55 lense like? I’m researching my next digital SLR camera purchase…