When I get my head round Flash properly, I promise to use my powers for good
And not for producing evil smiley ads.
Some of them even start screeching at you when you mouse over them these days. There must be a firefox extension to nuke them before they load…
Today’s been a pretty successful day of template adaptation for the design site. Still lots of bugs and things but I really feel I’m learning the ropes pretty well through experimentation and the odd quick google for ‘How in flipping hell do I get such and such a button in Flash to stop pissing around and do what I want’. here’s the before and (still heavily in progress) after. I’m told that Flash has come a long way in terms of accessibility but that’s something I’ll have to leave for later. Right now this would not pass for web design in the US or UK and would leave you ready to be sued. Just like Target. Also as pretty as the site is, it weighs in at 2 meg plus of download, which strikes me as somewhat de trop for the dial-up centric Mexican audience they’re going for. To get it indexed by search engines will be a nightmare. And it comes in all guns blazing with muzak which I’ve never been fond of. Even if you can choose which muzak you want at the bottom of the page. I’ll stick to HTML with the occasional flash element… even still the customer is always right. And I’ve got 3 Flash-based projects on the go.
Plans, you ask? Well, there’s meant to be a soiree tonight courtesy of Pocilga Beat, let’s see if that comes to summink. Always glad to meet new people in this sprawling metropolis. People are slowly adding themselves to the list for nocturnal boozing it up tomorrow in the streets and culminating with the cry of independance at 2am in the centre and fireworks and all that. My camera’s not too clever when it comes to night photos, but I’ll risk taking it in case I get another chance at a photo like this one:
So that’s tonight and tomorrow. Saturday, shall be a day of rest and web design. Sunday, if Javier is to be believed, shall be a Lucha Libre outing. Javier & a handful of Germans are watching an El Santo film, then heading off to the Coliseo and I’ve been asked along. I rarely plan 4 days ahead, but i hope that comes to fruition. La vida es buena.