Santa Anna

We’re 100 km from the border in Santa Anna and today we’re crossing over. The trip’s been fine so far, but very wet, including one section where I reckon we hit the tail end of tropical storm Eliana. Also, every fitozoological/military stop point has pulled us over for a hand search of our car which doesn’t bode well for crossing the frontera in record time. Maybe it’s time for a hair cut…

Up in his beautiful balloon

My dad’s been soaring about the fields of Somerset in a hot air balloon (globo aerostático- Spanish word of the week!) and has posted some lovely pix on Flickr. Click on the picture to find yerself looking at the slideshow.

My Dad. In a basket. Under a balloon

Lightning trip to Tonalá


I think we’re all pressied up thanks to a quick trip to the craft market. I just had a chance to explore the non-markety bits like the cemetary which is a much less grand affair than Guadalajara’s Panteon before Sita called me on the mobile to say she was done shopping. Now we’re back and preparing for a BBQ this avo with a few mates of our before we leave.

Last night we stayed in and had a lovely meal cooked by Sita then watched Good Night and Good Luck, George Clooney’s take on CBS during the McCarthy witch hunt years quickly followed by one of the bleakest documentaries I’ve seen (at that includes the bloody penguins) called Darwin’s Nightmare all about the extreme poverty in Tanzania around Lake Victoria. I’m a bit behind on my reviews right now, but I’ll have a stab if I get the chance on the road. If you find yourself feeling far too positive about life and the world in general, Darwin’s Nightmare will take your serotonin levels down a few pegs…

(c) El Cala 2006

Fernando’s flood pictures taken from his apartment, cunningly 3 floors above the destruction. He was all ready to go surfing at Plaza del Sol till the hygiene aspects of such a mission were pointed out.

lluvia 14-Jul-6

Just found out Kathy and Vance have a Lewis Carroll inspired blog (thanks for the comment, Kathy) Looks like they’re off to see that rarest of things, Edinburgh on a sunny day… Enjoy : )

From theory to practice…

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Sita’s talk on Pancho Villa, Tequila and Mexican National Identity went down a treat. So we celebrated…

Molcajete action!

Our good friend, Ana, gave us a molcajete t’other day. It’s a volcanic rock pestle and mortar type thing crucial to Mexican cuisine. We christened it yesterday when Berta came round to make salsa and go over Sita’s talk for today. The next stage is experimenting with different chiles…

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Important Exception

Julieta Venegas, an important exception to the general ruling: Play an accordion, go to jail. (or gaol… Sarah)

Tonala Arts and Crafts Market

Make yerself dizzy watching badly filmed footage from Tonala today, if it looks less busy than usual that’s cos it’s near the edge, the only place where filming from your waist doesn’t result in a permashot of people obstructing the way… You don’t realise how loud it all it till you listen to it in the comfort of your middle class barrio and it’s just the fruit, veggies and DVD bit…


Sita bought plenty of artesania & pressies, including 2 huge mirrors for MX$300 the pair of ’em. No idea how we’ll get those back one day. And also the following DVDs found their way into my hands (reviews soon, and Superman too 3.5 Lulus):

Batman Begins : saw it on 4-8-05 “Formidable rendering of Batman’s backstory. Nice understated CGI too. Yay. 4 Lulus”
Cronicas: (Sebastián Cordero) s’posed to be good
Jarhead: to take my mind off the incipient WW III brewing to the East…
100_8361Good night and good luck: Was misadvertised at the cinema and we ended up having a coffee instead
City of God: Saw this before I started reviewing films. One of my all time favourites.

Here’s a state-of-the-art, bleeding edge out-of-the-box, envelope-pushing web design agency in a back street, Felipe’s:

We’ve been planning the trip back, and shall probably only slightly vary the stopping points. Any recommendations for places to stay/eat in Hermosillo and Culiacan?

My Google PageRank’s gone up!

Blimey, me blog’s pagerank’s just gone up a notch to 5/10… search for ‘Gwyn’ on google and I’m result number 4. Take that, my namesake in New England… You might have got the domain name before I did, but I outstrip you in the SEO stakes. To celebrate, here’s a photo of the church in me little village in Zummerzet…

St. Mary's Church, Kingston


It had just started to pour down so we though we’d head for the bookshops in Chapultepec and then a restaurant, so we jumped in a taxi and checked out the bookshops for some scholarly tomes and investigated the space where Sita’s doing her talk next week. All v. nice though they didn’t have the books we were after. Anyroad, then it really started to piss it down, vertical sea type stuff with hail and all, and within a matter of minutes cars were practically floating past. A bus crossed the central reservation and everyone went searching for higher ground. After an hour or so it stopped but the streets were still rivers and it became an urban jungle type scenario having to edge around walls and find lower waters and all that. Quite fun, but I soaked the only shoes I own (except me flip flops). Anyroad we went to Funicular to eat and then Sita stayed home and watched crap on the telly and me and Jose went round Fernando’s for snacks and ales and met some more really sound friends of theirs. Fernando shot some nice footage of the floods and if he sends it to me as promised I’ll post it… On the way home I had my first tacos de carnaza in Av. Americas, and they were surprisingly good, even though you can eat anything at 3 in the morning and it’ll taste good. “Al buen hambre, no hay pan duro” can be your Spanish phrase of the week… “when you’re really hungry, there’s no such thing as stale bread” is a rough translation.

And for your word: naufrago – Shipwrecked person.

Jose’s been trying to persuade me to put this one in too, but I’m buggered if I can translate it decently: El que es perico donde quiera es verde y el que es pendejo donde quiera pierde. Literally: “He who is a parrot, wherever he goes, is green, he who is an idiot, wherever he goes will lose”…. more loosely, “A parrot will always be green and a loser will never win” and looser still “You are who you are no matter where you go”. It doesn’t quite trip off the tongue for me mind…

Plans for today, you ask? Translate a load of Sita’s talk, and then Superman and bowling/pool. Stu and Anne rang me this morning at 9:30 when I was fast asleep, but it was 3:30am their time in NZ so I couldn’t complain. Nice to reverse the situation a bit there. That’s yer lot for now. Sorry bout the lack of posting lately, I’m all involved in the LAUlens site, trying to get it to do discounts on bulk orders and suchlike, and am back updating one of my first sites from 2 yrs ago, GO joven. Have a grand weekend, cheers : )

Hail’s so rare, I’m having trouble thinking of the Spanish for it…


It was the size of footballs, so it was… it just melted while I tried to find the macro settings on the camera. Actually not even pingpong ball sized, but hefty all the same.

Graniza?.. Anyroad, hopefully it’ll destroy all the black widow spiders… 100_8134 like the one we found lurking yesterday. Hang on, what if they come into the house to shelter? That’s it… I’m sleeping fully clothed clutching a spray can of RAID EXTRA (the adverts for which show the insects actually EXPLODING after you zap them) and commending myself to the Virgin of Guadalupe.

My weekend in brief

100_8129Friday night: Sopranos x 4, TV at its best
Saturday: Designing logos for Kevin’s construction then Jose came round and we all headed off to play pool, cos it’s been a while… had a chat with me mate in New Zealand, started watching the Life Aquatic, and peacefully nodded off around 2am to awake on
Sunday: with a World Cup bbq/beers party to get going. Dramatis personae included: Sita, Ana, Jorge and Maya the Xoloitzcuintli (Mexican Hairless Dog, pictured), Jose and Fernando.

Today, monday, is best represented by a picture of my desk right now… :


Spanish phrase of the week

Word of the week: Armazón
I may have mentioned I’m doing a website selling glasses frames. Well, spectacle frames in Spanish are armazones. I was hoping to get some mistyped traffic from but was already taken… and your phrase is:

“No quiero queso sino salir de la ratonera”- I don’t want cheese, I just want to get out of the mousetrap.

Suggestions on when you could use this in the comments, por favor…