Phentermine, Online Craps and Roulette

Ajijic en español
Ajijic in English


Does blogging about blogging constitute metablogging? Here are some popular metablog themes of which I’ve been guilty:

  • (bloody) Comment Spam
  • “Sorry I haven’t updated this in a while, but…”
  • Memes (questionnaires, etc that get forwarded from blog to blog like ‘mind viruses’) You are a Capricorn! type thing
  • How to use my RSS (Richard Sutherland-Smith, I’m reliably informed) feed
  • Sign my Guestmap
  • Search terms that got people to the site. Michael Jackson Dance Moves is a regular one for Gwynunlimited, they get to the film review of 13 going on 30
  • Google Pagerank

Righty, I’m giving it a week and Gwyn’s blog is moving addresses and all because of the Russians and their underhand phentermine flogging tactics. What they give with they take away with this stuff. The archive will stay here but I’ll turn off comments and shove a bit red CLICK HERE TO GO TO NEW BLOG button in the first entry, then I’m afraid you’ll have to update your bookmarks, links or aggregators and hie thee hence to I meanwhile will have to notify feedburner, technorati, google, bloggingbrits, and a ‘sinfin‘ of other sites to try to nudge the pagerank up a bit.

Cesar was true to form and didn’t take us to the Lucha Libre last night, el muy cabron. But we’ll get there eventually especially after Ed’s glowing recommendation in the comments in the entry below, somewhere after online casino, but before Viagra. We went out for pozole and tacos instead and I watched another DVD- Zatoichi, the Blind Swordsman. Review coming soon to the IFRAME on the right… Breakfast and work beckon… hasta pronto, gwyn

‘Pat does Chapala’- her words…

This is my fave pic from today:

El Charrito

with this one a close second: fishClick the cowboys pic for a look at all the new photos from Zapopan, Chapala, Ajijic and Jocotepec. V. nice day it was, i had my favourite fish (and favourite Spanish word) for lunch, huachinango (red snapper), sita looked on in disgust as Pat and I worked our way through whitebait type fried fishy things and we took in the view of the lake. Great weekend all round. La Matera tomorrow evening for a pre-bday bash and Tuesday for continued festivities.

The post-boom weekend

100_4481Ma Come No was the Italian restaurant of choice for Friday evening’s celebrations. Highly recommended, we suggest the Spanish Tempranillo… Saturday had me and pat checking out the patchouli oil and Tim Burton sponsored hippy market, the Tianguis Cultural before hightailing it over to Zapopan to see a disturbing statue of Juan Pablo II with little Juan Diego, huichol history (including unexplained taxidermy), modernish art in MAZ the Museo de Arte de Zapopan, and a filling lonche with all the requisite salsas. Sita took Pat to our little neighbourhood coffee shop, Starbucks for bickies and cafe and then supplies in Gigante. Victor and Jayna came round for lemon chicken and suchlike. After they left we watched Lord of War, Nicholas Cage as the prototypical arms dealer, then bed.

This morning: Skype with mis abuelitas and brekky, now we’re off to Chapala to check out Jocotepec, a little further on from Ajijic, where i went with Monica, Daniel and Ed last week. Pizza and a movie this evening… Little descriptive detail here since we’re in the key finding stage of leaving the house, cheers )

Empty nest syndrome

100_4402A quick pause as Ed (who’s done a grand job of blogging the last couple of weeks’ travels) left for Guanajuato and Daniel and Monica head for the land of stringent planning permission. It was grand to have everyone around, quite a start to 2005 and the fun doesn’t stop there, we’re counting down to Ms Duffy’s arrival…
So the year so far in summary, comment if you’d like elucidation on the following:
Monday: Mexican locksmiths, Breakneck speeds and Ian, Adriana, Jose, Sita, Daniel & Monica restaurant antics.
Tuesday: Breakfast in Cafe D’Val, Tonala for arts and crafts and monica and daniel’s ever expanding small bowl collection. Downtown Gwod and La Fuente cantina… 2 buck chuck
Wednesday: Intro to Flash MX 2004, Slow Food and Fast Times. 2 buck chuck
Thursday: Chapala, Mariachi, Ajijic, no Mexican Hat Dances. 2 buck chuck
Friday: Lie in, San Juan de Dios (mio que comi?), La I Latina (best restaurant evah), El Pull-Bar, Virtual bowling. 2 buck chuck
Saturday: Central camionera nueva, Adieus, The Perfect Client, Skype and Lemon Chicken. 2 buck chuck (if there’s any left…)

Shall return to complete sentences in the near future. But as I say, it’s been a fantastic couple of weeks, thanks to all concerned. Viva Calle Garibaldi!
2 buck chuck
New Year and Thereabouts Collage
PS. Only 2 games of scrabble in 10 days… shall get my fix in tomorrow and say hello to my old friends xu, xi, qi and qat